quite possibly the dumbest thing i’ve ever read.
quite possibly the dumbest thing i’ve ever read.
Psst, Act. Act!
40 hour extended cut of Death Proof or GTFO.
You know, for all the shit Kidman is getting for not looking like Lucy and her somewhat underexplored comedic talents in her career, she’s at least shown promise in many of the things she’s done. In fact, she’s the LEAST of my problems with this.
My biggest problem, and I think it’s a REALLY big problem, is that Aaron…
Dave is forwarding the thesis that he doesn’t need to understand, so long as he’s willing to recognize the fundamental humanity of trans people as individuals, and to recognize when they’re being wronged by the legal and political systems.
Trust in journalism’s understanding of scientific process erodes further with inability to distinguish marketing stunt from study.
It always blows my mind that Dave Grohl got his start playing in hardcore bands when he’s done nothing but pump out the blandest dad-rock imaginable for the last two and a half decades.
Such an amazing episode. Of course it gets a crappy score here.
Someone still needs to inform Zack Snyder that the moment is over, though
After the last 4 years of T#### I see no need to pass on misinformation. If someone doesn’t like the actual policies and says so, that’s one thing - they can be examined. But the beliefs about this are entirely fabricated, in large part by Jay Leno’s writing staff, and I cannot help but think that it played a part in…
*InB4 “Yep, it’s a bit.”*
sadly sips warm sake.
Ken Jennings. All they had to do was hire Ken Jennings.
Anti-vaxxer. Pusher of the same kind of quack garbage as “Dr.” Oz. Rape apologist/slut-shamer. Proponent of dangerous, mentally scarring parental techniques.
Considering everything that man has been through I’m just happy that he’s still around and both able and willing to put himself out there to entertain us.
“Emily Gorcenski says that a generation ‘raised to live in a world that doesn’t exist’”
Human. It makes him human.
I’m going to dissect this bullshit one bit at a time:
What the fuck is this tone in this article? Like, it’s one thing to parse his public statements on this issue and judge whether or not you think he’s appropriately critical of Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians (fucking weird for an entertainment website to decide that that’s their role, but ok!), but invoking a…
Get that weak shit off my track!