
Sorry, Infinity Engine purists—the combat in Baldur’s Gate 3 is entirely turn-based.”

Lucasfilm also wasn’t very keen on the idea of Respawn’s game focusing on Jedi”

Doubt it. This story comes out after the game has made 95% of its money already, there’s no point. Also it’s absolutely not the reaction it provokes: The reaction it provokes is “they’re morons and control freaks” and they already know that’s the reaction they’d get since as you mention yourself, this has happened

Looking at the trilogy we got, they ain’t got any long term plan well defined sadly. Thinking the Rise of Skywalker, while being a fun watch, is canon, hurts my head. It’s an epic fan fiction that would sit well in the Extended Universe. But a cannon story... huuuuuuum.

I really don’t know what will happen to that IP

We need a starfighter game. Let me fly a B-Wing or something.

Kind of funny that Disney is so cautious about the video game when it feels like the most recent movies were so lackadaisical to the point that it felt like throwing things at a wall to see what sticks (I say this even having enjoyed most of the new stuff). I get wanting to put out a quality, tightly controlled,

I knew Disney was completely out touch with just how big Star Wars is/was to some people - but Lucasfilms?! Really?

Is there room though? I’m not saying I disagree with the author, but one thing we’ve seen over the past 10 years on this topic is a circling of the wagons with a very clear “If you’re not with us, you’re against us” message. Actual critique was shut down and treated as if it WERE a death threat. Look at Anita

Power asymmetry isn’t static, yesterday’s oppressed can be today’s oppressors, there are certainly historical examples where authoritarianism took hold and massacres were perpetrated under the banner of equality and democracy. Even though Infinite is kind of notorious for previewed or otherwise mentioned content being

That’s a gross oversimplification. People can and have done terrible things in the name of justice or progress. Remember the September Massacres during the French Revolution? Anger drives people to extremes and Bioshock Infinite conveyed that well.

What was shitty about them? You didn’t like that the Vox Populi ended up being a bunch of assholes once they took power? I loved that. History has shown time and time again that rebels are often just as bad as their oppressors. They simply lack the power to impose their will on others. Far Cry 4 had the same message

Not to disagree with you completely but COD had no woman operators because women were not in elite operator combat roles- and for the most part, still aren’t.

I hated Lightning. She was clearly an attempt to create a popular character on the level of Cloud or Squall without actually making a character. She borrowed tropes and personality from them and little else. Yes. Hope and Vanille were trash. I only liked Sazh and Fang (who was actually an interesting version of what

I don’t think anyone had a problem with Lightning (though there’s always That Guy)- everyone loved Lightning. And Saaz? Who could hate Saaz. People hated the whiney teen kid, who was obviously just crammed in there because a Final Fantasy game literally requires a whiney teeen boy (see FF 12). Eventually he gets

FFXIII is the one that killed my interest in the brand, and the reasons for it then are just as valid now. I disliked the style-over-substance combat system which eschewed tactical nuance for a faster pace and a more hands-off role. That fed into my dislike of the corridor world design, where being able to see the

Honestly reading this just made me realize: yeah, I kinda don’t like how this Kathleen Kennedy person thinks. So many of her answers reek of SPIN, SPIN, JARGON, WORDS, SPIN.

Like she straight up didn’t answer the Colin Trevorrow question at all.

Indeed, the vibe was rushed alright, and the audience felt that and were fatigued by too much half-baked stuff coming out too quick. I also have to say that jja is problematic as a creator because he has a terrible track record for finishing stories logically or addressing half the questions he is apt to throw out

It ended in 2014 when they wiped the EU.

“Well, first of all, when we sat down to do Force Awakens we spent a great deal of time working out all three movies” Let me stop you right there. That is literally the one thing you did NOT do.