
Thank you for doing the world such an important service. 

One of my favorite things about JRPGs, and it’s probably my favorite in period is a Western Historical based Fantasy processed through a thick Japanese lens. This is probably why the Dark Souls series and Final Fantasy Tactics are two of my favorite games (series) ever made. The distance from growing up in a western

God you are insufferable, do you need to insert yourself into every possible encounter you see daily? Oh wait, that implies you do something other than incessantly post on Kotaku comments.

I think it’s a real problem that “Cultural Appropriation” is being weaponized. Cultural appropriation is something that needs to be done intentionally to profit off of an disenfranchised group. The modern phenomenon of Americans throwing out cultural appropriation every time a white person decides to embrace something

Bloodborne is now one of my favorite games of all time after finishing it twice and being stuck at the DLC final boss. 

I got the digital deluxe edition last year for 100$ and felt really disappointed in what content I got for it once Curse of Osiris dropped. I jumped back in a bit since Forsaken launched but I just cannot bring myself to give them more money after feeling like I didn’t get my initial investment worth. 

It went well after watching a video on the rules and a few confused player turns. I lost but realized where I needed to focus my resources for the future. We enjoyed it and will be playing again soon. Thanks for the check up!

I am planning on playing some Bloodborne coop, then meet up with some friends to finally get started on the board game Scythe.

Even though he was a loud stereotype of a New York Italian American, I felt like my culture was slightly more included in video games. Mario, Falco Lombardi, and Mr. Resetti, are all Italian/Italian inspiried characters from Nintendo that erks the common tradition in western media where they are all portrayed as dumb

I can’t agree more. Between DAI and Skyrim, who are these artists with no sense of weapon scale.

I loled

Am I the only one driven crazy by the camera panning and changing viewpoints ever 10 seconds?