Perdido en la Traslación

It’s always a blessing, not to mention some real validation, when something good comes looking for you instead of the other way around — and even more so in times like these. Hell, I’m about to start an additional part-time job in a couple of weeks, doing video medical interpreting from home a few nights a week, and I

“I was just reading a dust-up in my local NextDoor universe where some Trumper was arguing along similar lines. He talked about how schools should definitely reopen because the kids just shake off COVID. . . .”

Well, getting ears and eyeballs trained on him is pretty much the closest he’s ever coming to working, which of course, in some way or another, involves making money.

Oh, I know that he was the one promoting the whole idea. Everyone with any sense knows that.

Somehow I find that hard to believe. . . .

He must be a Goya fan, then.

Shit, the teachers who really care warn their students’ parents about backsliding during fucking summer vacation. . . .

Please, please, PLEASE let this quote be this year’s “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”

Well, we did pick a governor who’d been recently killed in a plane crash over John Ashcroft in the Senate race twenty years ago. That one’s still a little twinkle in my eye.

There’s also this trenchant observation of his from a meeting at the White House about reopening schools from a couple of weeks ago (talk about being from the Show-Me [Your Ass] State):

How cute. You’re out of the greys this time.

Not as good as one more dismissed troll who’s not even worth enough of a shit to come up with a screen name of his own.

What the hell do you expect from someone named . . . Weakly?

Oh — aaaaannnd he’s already getting ratio’d.

That sign looks a bit ’shopped, and apparently it is:

I’ve never actually heard dear Benjamin speak (and I’m certainly not about to listen now). I’ve just watched his head bobble from side to side as he makes sporadic eye contact and his mouth seems to move endlessly. He almost looks like he has some kind of disorder, to be honest.