Sad to see White Castle involved with a product that ends up having the bottom completely fall out.
Sad to see White Castle involved with a product that ends up having the bottom completely fall out.
Damn Blankies
She was robbbed. That is the perfect encapsulation of the Seahawks bandwagon — an aggressively batshit declaration of devotion that we all know is going to disappear from sight in 6-8 weeks.
These Hearhawks Fans Tried To Listen To Last Week's Game In Total Darkness, For $5k
Can't Sherman and Crabtree just fuck and get it over with?
Not a great sign, but at least they got a discount on it.
Sherman: Well, I’m the best corner in the game! When you try me with a sorry receiver like Crabtree, that’s the result you gonna get! Don’t you EVER talk about me.
False. The best part is the masshole at the 5:31 mark giving the double barrel solute to the skydivers.
@Detective Plunkett - I can't reply to you in your own post, new Kinja comment system seems buggy for me, so I'll post here. 3D Chalk Art is the name given to chalk drawings that need to be viewed at a specific angle to give the illusion of 3 dimensions. It was originally used in landscapes, where the illusion of 3D…
Bro, do you even perceive depth?
I want to stick up for Kayla a bit here, because given Sherman's energy in the moment it's clear Andrews was afraid, not of Sherman, but that he might say something either profane or derogatory toward her employer. He very easily could have been complaining about, say, something Troy Aikman said about him. An unspoken…
Just playing devil's advocate here, can you discuss why you don't find her explanation credible?
But we're not talking about that play today.
Raise your hand if you KNEW this article was coming the minute Sherman spoke to Andrews.
It's not about a 'black man knowing his place' to me. If Peyton Manning was interviewed and started shouting derogatory crap at the Patriot DBs, and how they better keep his name outta their mouths, I'd think he was equally classless.
I enjoy the implication that if you don't like Kanye or consider him a genius then it's obviously because he's black...not because he's an egotistical asshole who makes music that not everybody likes
Who's this "we" you speak of? Weird. Somebody must of hacked my Twitter, because I didn't tweet out anything about Richard Sherman last night.