
Some years back there was a salmonella outbreak where the source had been narrowed down to onions, jalapenos, or tomatoes. I’d had a weeks-long craving for homemade guacamole and pico de gallo, so finally I went charging into the grocery store all I AM NOT AFRAID OF THE THINGS THAT PLEASE ME, bought all my shit, made

There’s a pretty major difference between you “giving” you friend money, and your friend taking your wallet and taking the money for themselves, after you repeatedly said they could not have it. That’s the biggest issue I have with your posts — you are treating a failure to continue fighting someone off as active

There is a simple answer to that: It’s called the path of least resistance, and it’s absolutely a coping mechanism when you have the feeling something is going to happen whether you like it or not (taking your wallet against your will, for example)

“Freezing is a third fear response recognized in the field of psychology but, for some reason, missing from public discourse. Someone tries to put a hand on me; I’m uncomfortable, but I can’t move or speak. “No” is not clear.”…

Planned Parenthood was there for me when I needed them. I thank heaven for legal abortion. #notsorry #notonetime #PPsavedmylife

Okay, so first off, I greatly support right to choose and agree with most of your thoughts, minus your first one. That is misleading as shit. For its size, TN has more counties than you would expect, 95. TN has 3 major cities in Nashville, Memphis, and Knoxville. 7 of the top 10 population counties border a county

I’m sure she tried to get an abortion earlier on & because the rules were so restrictive she couldn’t have. People logically wouldn’t put their lives in dangers & at a later stage if the abortion care was more accessbile. Poor woman, living in a place with backwards-ass politicians. :/

Tell us more about how Muslims want to enslave women, old white men.

I want to make cards that say “your child is not your therapist” and pass them out in these circumstances.

I decided to go full on public with it. Replied to her FB status with “Sorry I couldn’t call, had a panic attack” Pretty much, she can’t give me shit when it’s out there like that.

That’s basically what I’m doing now. Last time I gave in because a family member was dying but this time there is no out.
The basic premise is that she wants me to spend several thousand dollers I don’t have to go on a holiday with her, I offered her a compromise invlolving half of said time being spent with her but I

Boundaries are SO healthy.

My mom is really mad at me because I was out of touch for like 5 days when she needed some really important things (an address for christmas cards and help deciding what new chairs went with her new dining room table.) I’m in my last 2 weeks of grad school and filled with panic, so dealing with her is extra hard—thus,

The best thing I ever did with my mom (who has narcissistic tendencies) was to call her emotional bluffs. Like, when she would hang up on me in a huff and try to give me the silent treatment - I just let her. I didn’t try to grovel my way back to her good graces. First time it took FOUR MONTHS for her to get back in

Absolutely it is not crazy to think check-ins are expected. In fact, they are important in that first year of college. I would set up a day and time once a week or so that he agrees to. That way, you can settle into a routine that works for you both.

I think a once a week check in is absolutely reasonable. A trick I (a long out off college/my parent’s house old) use to let them know I’m alive without having to talk every day is play Words with Friends with them. If we play a word every day or two, they don’t worry about my being alive. And it’s handy for messaging

When my kids were babies I worried when took a shower that they might need me. I would even feel a bit guilty. Because they were babies. Your mom is a big girl now and has to learn to handle her own life.

You need to do what’s best for you. If you can’t deal with it right now, then tough titties for her. You can’t be her emotional support for everything.

Just because it’s semi on topic. My mom called me while I was taking a shower just now and I feel terrible, but I can’t call her back. She is doing something for her mom, so she will bitch about that and I am mid trying to control a panic attack. I can barely handle my mom bitching about her mom when I am feeling

I am distantly related to these people, though through the line without money or influence, but through the line that carries these particular mental disorders. I barely just escaped being "Little Edie'd" by my mother, and she still managed to steal a good part of my life. The documentary is more like a horror film