
Non consensual followed by consensual Skype masturbation? i think abusive relationships really complicate our understanding of consensual sex, because the whole environment is one where consent doesn't exist. How then can we say one act is consensual? I've known women who have 'given' sex to their partners to stop the

Everytime I try to read this article I feel like I am going to have a heart attack.

Misogyny is at the root of a surprising number of things.


I hope, one day, to be described as a titular flim-flammer.
It's all I never knew I always wanted.

Oh, how much things change in a year!

racsim was pretty big tho

add sugar

I hate them all too - they've dismantled Damon in order to serve the Damon/Elena dynamic which died three years ago. Well done show.
Well done you racist racist show.

Not true. He's got this very clipped, precise way of speaking now and he is incredibly zen and thoughtful with his answers (have been watching JW2 promo stuff online). He is VERY guarded. Which is understandable when everyone in the world is calling you wooden/stoner/empty-but-great-in-great-movies ALL THE TIME.

Yes, second the props and just remember : You are right.

Noting the long history of this show's perverse race politics, Matt telling Dorian to accept and forgive all the violence, disenfranchisement and evil done unto him so that they can build a 'better tomorrow' had me spitting the bile out.

This sounds really good.

Christian Bale is my Batman but The Dark Knight Rises needs to also take the blame for the grim dark wave we've seen. In my eyes it is worse than the recent Snyder films because it had the potential to not be shit. Also you fucking wasted Christian Bale guys! What the fuck?

If you look at saints as being propaganda tools of the imperial kleptocracy that is the Catholic church, then yes, Stefan is a fucking saint.

Tar pit fires started across the globe to burn to death Stefan Salvatore.
If I was Kat Graham I am trashing trailers upon receiving these scripts. Fucking hell.

Bonnie Bennet is the Best

I totally thought they were going to reveal that Bonnie was a descendant of the Maxwells! That would have been fun.
Matt's okay but.

A thousand times yes to this

What a wildly stupid hour(!?) of TVD