
I love you Thisisnotaninternetmeme

Spineless? Evil.
McConnell was evil in tactically allowing two R to vote no and then clamping down on the rest. And those reps? Hearing them defend their vote? Evil

This this this

Humanity switch off I think. But the writers are also layering in the ill-conceived brother-angst from last year and their home-grown misogyny, sexism and racism for the winder-packet of shit.

On some level, someone in charge is expressing deeply held beliefs about race. That is the only rational explanation I can make. It's horrible.

Apparently it was a craven (crow/raven cross)
Why do I know this?

that image

And please show with your fucking malign ideology about women: the devil returns to Earth and is most interested in fucking with two guys by fridging their property i.e. their 'girls'. SHAKES MY HEAD.

I feel show is making moves for Caroline and Matt; who I loved this episode and the last few for being a moral centre who is unafraid to speak truth to the unholy power. And Caroline's line of argument was so flawed. She was whining by the end of it. I felt like Caroline was a manifestation of all the people who think

Giving Bonnie the words that say this in text, is not ENOUGH to then kill Enzo, for bullshit Stefan and his illogical, misogynist, paternalistic violence.

Fuck this.

Bloody stealing stealers were the Romans, eh?

It's charming from the get go, but also tedious in parts so I recommend a binge for the first 5, and then you can stretch it out! Second half of 1st season is legit good.

I like to think of Lucifer's Hell as a a puzzle box which resets to each soul's personal parameters. It generates the Hells automatically. Which raises the Q: what was Luci doing as ruler? And where do the torture aspects come in, regarding Maze.

This was fantastic!
But I have to say the idea that your personal torment ends when you stop believing you need to be tormented is severely flawed. I would suggest that most evil is caused by people not really believing they are doing wrong.
Though of course that is on earth, and perhaps you can't lie to yourself and

Can there be the introduction of two additional characters played by Christian Bale and Keanu Reeves?

Viggo is a forever dong

Contact/email lists are money! Don't assume data has no value in this climate.

at what point is this simply a commercial decision?
Tho this is better than Drew McWeeny's pledge to donate $1 for every book purchased. Like what?

time for shameful confession