
Yeah - he was so great as a worthy antagonist to the Winchesters. SO much nuance in the performance for what could have been a throwaway part.

I vote for Rupert Murdoch
or Trump - he looks ill.

Are lovebeads anal beads? Cos Luci was just handling them. I suppose they've had a lot of sex together. But still

I have real trouble thinking of them as mother and son. I think their chemistry is sexier than that.
Obvs my problem.
I don't understand Mother at all - if she knew how intractable Uriel was, surely she knew there would be only one solution - to go with him. I know she didn't know that he wanted to kill her but, she's

I agree with you up to Amy Poehler - I think she consistently puts her money where her mouth is by supporting young feminists to make work - see Broad City. She is the only one of the bunch you've mentioned who actually can speak feminist rhetoric properly.

Agreed! It hurt worse than Michael's shooting.

Sometimes I think Mindy Kaling and Amy Schumer share the same world-view when it comes to feminism.

Josh Sasse (or Xavier) is such a toucher, all that masculine double shoulder tapping - I really thought show would have Tim and Xav get it on! Which would be great.

I really like this show and it's funny in this really gentle way that I like. It is refreshing to see an American romantic show that allows its female characters to be on an equal footing with its male characters when dating. No one judged Evie (slut-shamed) her for 'dating' three guys at once! That feels


/I think it was his height!
He doesn't have the same physicality.
Note i haven't seen 50 shades, only The Fall, where Dornan is very physically imposing

Let's go BatShit InSane

For a moment I thought you were a time traveller yourself!

Reacher was not a generic action movie. There was a lot of thought given and taken to make something stylish with a decided point of view. I thought it was really well directed.
It surprised me.

Not sure - I bought the dvd - true devotion

Bless you for dealing with the…those people.
Actually learnt a few things, thanks


And this climate even $96 is cheap for a studio film!

I hate to psychoanalyse (no I don't, I LOVE IT) but this is a guy who has allegedly not seen his young daughter in the flesh for three years.
Acting requires some measure of access to one's vulnerabilities - Cruise can't afford to do that anymore. Look at his interviews, he's so leaden because everything is scripted

The MI guy keeps getting disavowed whatever that is