
I liked 'I should have brought my knives'
'Next time'
exchange. The timing of it was glorious.

Quarry sounds interesting but post s5 SPN is nothing like it was.

Hey - you step off the first 5 seasons of SPN.
Feel free to jump on the necks of the subsequent.

Blerg! That is brilliant analysis.

A thousand knives forged in hell's fiery bowels (it was the Laotian noodle soup) for you!
Funny funny

Oh and I have Netflix now (but the Aussie one hopefully it's on there)

But the American West is also a feature of the plot - that might only mean that the references for Westworld are Earthen.

What shows are you watching? All tv people take shits. Holy shits, rarer

No windows
I don't know if it is not on earth
no windows

Especially as they are the only queer relationship!

Holy shit I haven't seen this many comments for a show that isn't Community.

I love Luisa (and the actor - she does a great job with a character who fluctuates inexplicably) and I hate that they did that to her with Rose.
Give Luisa a decent storyline without all the abusive bullshit, and have some of the other characters care fro her. Not Rose.

Bizarre story that draws you in could be the Turner House by Angela Flournoy, which also doesn't fall into the 'affluent but depressed trope.
I don't know what post-modern anomie means - I have very little education.

The Martha Nussbaum sounds really good. My book budget is blown. To the library.

I've bought The Mothers by Britt Bennett
Finishing The Hate Race by Maxine Beneba Clarke

Where's the people at?
I think Univision broke the back of AVC

Aw, but what about Mouse the youngest lion, not the mouse of the story.

Tandy's story of The Lion and Mouseā€¦
I could listen to that for days! LMAO and I do not say that lightly.

Ford lies. Backstory is all.

That's as old as I am.
Not so old
*frantically rubs temple
notso old