
Like related to Phillip K Dick?

Oooo that sounds really intriguing as per Hank. How cool was it when you realised that he is her best friend and not Saraya Blue? Completely caught me off guard.
I know the Xavier character is twee but I think it's very sweet to have this beautiful hipster guy be so tender and genuine with Evie - you don't really see

I love the guy who says he would say worse than 'punch you the vagina' and goes on to denigrate Simon for being a failure as a father???? I don't even understand the connection between the two - Simon is bad father because shitty boys exist at his daughter's school?

I don't think you were shaming sex workers (and I don't think it's in my comment that I think that either). Just the idea that people who sell sex don't have to deal with the same (in fact worse) conditions of rape culture is not true. I'm sorry I made you sigh.

It's not a lack of your self-control.
And just because it falls outside of your scope of normality doesn't really mean it is abnormal.
It's destructive and violent and dysfunctional but these are normal facets of human society for the worse.
Humans haven't really been able to crack the nut of how to use power in

Rape culture starts with the idea that sex is a gold coin and you are a player in a world where there are gold coins strewn about the place. But there is an inbuilt difficulty setting which is stratified.
The key is though that the more gold coins you get the more successful you'll think yourself. The idea is to take

I've heard other reports where producers told him what it meant and he refused to stop saying it until, apparently Lil Jon protested.

Yeah but that a hard word to spel

I saw it. The Vampire Weekend reference. Am cool. Or twee. Undecided.

I love this comment so much - I could talk about this movie forever, precisely for this reason.
I really liked the differences in quality between the two men, because I saw Ben Wade as in constant performance and Dan Evans was scrapped back to his bones - there was nothing left with which to perform.

Thanks for this - really interesting.
But some gender hierarchy play is going on too?

Oh, I hadn't thought of that! I agree with you as to his character, but I would also love to Danson bring the fire and brimstone!

Yes, to this . I never thought about it like this. I do think that he was the shining light in The Nice Guys - I don't know what Gosling was doing but it didn't land for me.
I'd love Crowe to do a Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf type thing with a kick ass Viola Davis (or someone like that, who can really take it to

Oh to be younger and still have the first three season of Supernatural in front of me!

*crosses fingers and sacrifices toy goat to the altar of maybe GOds

The Scarecrow…need I say more? Watching it now it is so thin, but fuck it scared the bejesus outta me. I had a nightmare and I was like 28 at the time, AND I watched in the late afternoon!

Blue Oyster Cult! Those first three season seriously introduced me to heavy rock(?) Old guy rock is what I am saying. Man or man.

I love Russell Crowe's acting and I hate his ego which makes him such a pain to work thus limiting the number of his performances
Isn't 3:10 to Yuma great? And Bale out acts him!

Tom Brady is the future I fear for America. Clearly he believes much the same as trump but he is beautiful and knows how to manage a public campaign. He is also weird (has NEVER eaten a strawberry? why?What a thing to waste so much fervour on) and narcissistic. What happens when he decides to go into politics? I hope

Does anyone have the low down on Donny's relationship with his brother and his dad? Someone made this cognisant turd a very insecure blowhard and I just really want to hear the stories of Childe Donald.