
I don't know what is wrong with me but I kinda hate Margaret Atwood. It's a very strong bias.
I have read The Handmaid's Tale - it's very good. There's also a poem of hers that is awesome. But I hate her. I don't get it.

ugh homophobia
the worst

I think I hallucinated the line where arsehole says to William 'you don't think my sister banged a few cowboys when she was here?'
Which made me think that this is a bachelor party type thing and Arsehole will be William's brother-in-law.
i can't be arsed watching it to check. I'll do it later this week.

I think it's beautiful.

I wonder whether they create avatar bodies for the guests? It would save them in insurance but cost them a lot in running expenses.

Who was the actor who played the dad - extraordinary acting in his breakdown scenes. The look in his eyes when he tries to explain that he has to protect his daughter- ooof.
And as he walks toward the creepy slaughterhouse/storage area, his eyes…like he has become conscious but he cannot control his body. He must do as

But it's also innocence versus experience which explains why Forde is a black hat. Once you know, you know.

Hiddlestone is played out and he's not even 40.

Holy shit
Yeah establishment choice is just as bad as Trump, maybe worse cos it looks and speaks better.

I knew that.

Gee guy, don't say that! Let's not say this kills Trump, even if it did kill him.

I have no faith that this will happen, though I hope it does. Though establishment choices (Pence? Rubio?) are fucking terrifying when seen out of the TrumpTrash fire's light.

I'd say a majority of white American males.

The discourse has moved whether he wins or not.

See I didn't even know that! Shamefaced right now.

And sexual assaulter, self-admitted.

There is on my twitter feed.
It's weird but the racist stuff just never ignited the people's interest. Should we read in to that? Yes.

Crate-butt is not great-butt, amiright?

In 2016 you should get flak for casting a white person for a rarer non-white role. If your point is that the white actor was sublime in the latina role, then surely she would have been thusly good had the role been written for a white woman. So why wasn't it?

But he's saying g that on a comments section to an article on Trump. Not Luke Cage say.