
You could…not be on the comments section of the article if reading people's reactions annoys you.
Or do you want to serve as a corrective to the AV club's policy on reporting on a news story?
They posted other things, where people aren't talking about Trump. Go there?

I would urge you to re-think Scott's actions: he is a troublesome character with issues around control. To lash out at a woman on the basis of her looks is deeply misogynistic.

That Scott thing is part of what the book is critiquing - it's a misogynist USE of women. She's good enough to fuck but she's needs to know that she is worthless. Also I don't deny that book Rachael is wearing her alcoholism badly - she looks terrible for her circumstances. But before then I read her to be quite

Yes but the perspective is of someone without the ability to be objective - the book is about gas lighting. I'm prepared to believe that how Rachael sees herself is not true to the facts.
Also her husband is a shallow guy, would he really have gone after her if she wasn't beautiful? I'll give you that the promo pics

Cos she is a good actor and relatively bankable?

It's so weird that you had such a blah response tot the film, because for me it really resonated. The discarded woman who peers into lives that look better than she does and the abuse by her husband, especially the gas lighting felt really significant.
gone Girl to my mind was arch, this book was a bleeding heart. I

In Sinhala these are called ants eggs! I was like 8 before I realised they weren't actually the eggs of ants. Couldn't get enough of them though - children are so weird.

Ali - I love these write ups!
I have only seen this episode but am glad your reviews will be here once i catch up.

So… I think I love you?


Even keyhole surgery?

OMG - that was Alak! He looked so familiar.

Is a rutabaga a turnip? Cos turnips are not that great.

But he is SO hot - I would find it difficult to stay just friends if more was on the table.
Also I liked how she laid down some boundaries at the end. There's hope.
Also he didn't come across as malicious - which obviously is to make the show work, but taking Josh Sasse out of the equation, I can see how his

I really like this and I REALLY like J. Sasse though I kept hearing Aussie in his English accent. I wonder if that's due to the influence of his wife Kylie Minogue (lucky woman) or if the character is supposed to be Aussie too.

Oh poor you.

Aegean is sincerely a great little airline and the food is stunningly good. Also got to fly into Santorini on a lear jet and it was amazing!

Not to start an internet war, and you are admittedly the wrong person to ask (cos you haven't seen it not cos…I'm sure you're very nice) but why was everyone so upset about the God complex when the whole show had this mystical thread woven into it from the beginning?

I liked the BSG finale. I was twee, but I grew up on a lot of golden age sci fi, so it worked for me.

But hopefully only 6!