
James Baldwin is an amazing writer - I haven't read the book not about racism but The Fire Next Time will burn you up, and you'll thank it.

Marquez is a hack - I cannot stand Love in the time of Cholera or whatever the fuck it was called.
If you want magic realism Louis de Bernieres is better. Or Jean Rhys. Wide Sargasso Sea is a book that should be taught in schools.

Yes Junot Diaz - especially in talking about masculinity and gender politics. *

Wrong Dakota, Kirsten

Yes, bless you - this is the best comment on the subject.

I believe in a diversity of experience and taste, but no insults please. Let the John Cho freaks fly their flags.

But Bond sucks (probably literally, he'd be good in bed, but then you're DIE), though it did make Craig super sexy to me.

Harewood was delightful!

Thanks anyways - I am frustrated once again.
I'm off to watch that episode of Selfie when Henry pulls Eliza close. Cos that ALL I got.

How much reading is involved in determining the sex-symbolism of an actor? I'd warrant none.
America has for too long eaten white bread and its palate is undeveloped. Try a kimchi sandwich, it's yummy.

Which episode was that and is it on a streaming service? Thanks

What is with the world - just use your dicks and clits people!
John Cho is SMOKIN'

I don't hate her music - I am increasingly hating her though, especially how she co opts feminism to serve her ends.

Not really - I think there are real contenders for that crown i.e. Tump and anyone who spoke up for him at the convention (grieving families included)

Swift's feminism is really swiftism = she only really advocates for herself.

But… Swift has a history of being bitchy and lying about it. See K. Perry, C. Belle, J. Jonas
I think she can handle all this - she just miscalculated - I give her a week to right herself and SWIFT SMASH.

TS is power incarnate. She'll be fine

Missing out.

Can he not just GET IT in a movie with great characterisation, believable plot, off the charts chemistry with an talented actor - why is that so elusive?
Why can't I get a sexy sex scene with Cho already? What is everyone WAITING for?

I miss Henry and Eliza