
Good lord, a thousand likes. Smash - win.

Holy shit, I just read this and I hope you are okay.
I can't believe that this kind of shit isn't illegal. Stay safe.

Which is awesome for rounded portrayal of good female characters.

I think Cage's flaw as a leader was inherent in most of the Mt Weather people. Clearly these were privileged individuals and even in our world those people see themselves as entitled to more than the rest.

Revolutions always reap the innocent and the righteous. And usually the most self-concerned are the ones to survive, which makes the wheel turn yet again.

This is very late, but (and I hate to say it) I think that is Rehka Sharma's problem. Even on BSG she played far too much inside the lines to make Torrey compelling or even understandable in her ruthlessness. Here it's the same, which annoys me as she is one of the few female brown Asian actresses making it out there.

It's like if my comment was a woman and you took her through a fun house mirror, photographed her reflection, looked at the distorted results and sent them to Anna Wintour to give a critique on why her body would never be Vogue worthy.

To be clear, I love Wallace (and Percy). Thought he could do more than he did.

But teachers MUST say no. I say this as a teacher.

He is as lovely as I thought he would be.
Ans yes Aya Cash killed it this episode. Though Kether and Collette were great too.

Oh my God. I have found you. The only person ever ('sides Daniel Fienberg) who can't stand the misuse of 'begs the question'.

I'm with you - the idea was okay and the actor was fine (fiiiiiiiine!) but it felt like Fox's response to everybody celebrating the diversity of the show and how on occasion Mison was the only white person in a SEQUENCE, was to get a WHITE GUY STAT, minimise the black guy's role and essentially cut out the second

re: Betsy Ross. We will find out why she's in the main credits and why she's in the show. And then we can all shit on it.
But I reckon, let's just wait for that.


Thomas' track record with black friend/partner character isn't good. What kind of development did Wallace get?
I do like how Babineux is pondering the ESP-ness of Liv's flashbacks. He needs to be put in the loop and maybe break with the rigidity of his cop persona.

Seriously Beema let's make one.

The massage bit was disturbing - will I have to do that to prevent tearing? Will my partner have to do it for me? Will it turn out to be fun? Or just another aspect of intimacy that is gross in its mundanity?
Is everything always about me? Yes. Yes.

Three Aussies in the leader!
My time watching soaps was never wasted.

This was showing during the day, in Australia a few years back, when I was unemployed and there was a scene where Tom Selleck is swimming in his short, shorty, 80s short and oh. my. god. the sex.

It was Jason P. And he neither confirms nor directly denies.