
Lily Taylor. *swoon

He was also in the movie (hotel reception guy?) and apparently is in all TC's movies.

Or Mosquito Coast, or Dogfight, or The thing called Love where he's stumbling about.

I loved this movie as a-just-teen, for the beautiful men in it. But the impact of Phoenix's performance really influenced my tastes thereafter. (And the movie: I found it hard to understand but I enjoyed it anyways)
Sad to think he'd be 45 this year.

Jenny was 'put in the corner' as they say. S2 was okay up to mid-season, and then the shit pilled on the shit. It felt like an arson for the insurance type gig.

So Sam is Don Glover right?

Did you bury the lede? Ichabod cut his hair!!!!!!
Tom Mison acts with his own. Nice.
I'm so heart broken by the craptitude of s2 that I think I'll give this a miss and hope the best for Mison and Beharie's careers.

C'mon, Alien jesus. Why was that about her being a woman, and not just being an arsehole? This is the fucking problem.
'Get rid of women yo! One of them was a bitch.'

This is awesome - I love her now!
So much enthusiasm and gutsy criticism of the shit with which women in that industry have to deal. And she's so charming!
Thanks, as always Will for a great chat.

Could it be the interview was held in Australia? Where it is abruptly turning into a glorious spring.

Emma Roberts was crediting Ryan Murphy with the line 'What fresh hell is this?' at the Emmy's red carpet. I'm interested by her ignorance and charmed by Murphy's ego.

You have great taste. TPS was my favourite movie for the longest time.

This was on the plane I was also on. I wish I watched it.

And he helps get these teeny tiny wonderful films made. Much kudos (and lascivious leering).



Yes much better than the previous, also that peach velvet duster!!!!! OMG

Federated in 1901. Yo.

I loved Clouds. I would love to just talk about it forever.

Hijack in progress
I am currently travelling and am on the mobile site and I cant find the review for the season finale of Mr.Robot
@alexmcown what's going on? Have I found extra time? Was the final delayed? Was it terrible? Someone, anyone?