
NO! Never feel shame for your noble ignorance of James Patterson books (and summer TV it must be said).
Continue on, friend, high brow and ever eveffervescent.
(I'm sleepy and full of wine!)

But how they despatched the character was vile. The latest Comic-Con panel was fun because of how the actors reacted to questions about that. Carver was eating shit.

Try Tim Dalton's one - it's a doozy, he's so delightful. Or Diana Riggs.

But that was her villain answer.
Also isn't that 'Zoo' by James Patterson?

Why do we hate Tori Amos?
I can't, I just can't.

She is very good in this. And beautiful to boot.

This is a brilliant film.

Not smokingly sexy enough.

Wow. Yes. A thousand likes.

Due to my shitty immigrant conservative upbringing I still internally slut shame. But it's only for a split second. I also find myself being quite prejudiced against religious people which is not really on, is it?

Oh man, don't do that to the innocent babies! Not to the innocent babies!

1) If it works out, mention it then. Right now, don't sweat it.

Frankenstein being Victor, the creature being Caliban, John Clare or Frankenstein's monster.
The original being the book by Mary Shelley.

I hesitate to say this because I've always wanted to befriend a coyote but I actually liked that episode. It was the Hanny Bedelia slow talk fest where I alopecia-ed myself. I think it was episode 4?
See? They are all merging together into a rococco, snail infested nightmare.

Yeah, but didn't Frankenstein also only interact with like three characters? I'm not sure they knew what they wanted to do with Caliban, especially once they realised they had RORY KINNEAR (who is exceptional). The creature is very sympathetic in the novel; even when being monstrous he is understandable, I think

apathetic control
I really like this idea, I think it explains Tyrell well. It's like he's studied Patrick Bateman's social interactions because he recognised his own derangement.

With regards to Caliban from PD, the thing that sticks in my craw (why hello Bedelia) is that he is written with the assumption that we would find him sympathetic because man-pain.
Dolarhyde is ambiguously presented and we are allowed to be ambivalent towards him, thus less icky.

One note though, this episode made me very glad that I've read the book, because you can't fully understand Francis's relationship to the Great Red Dragon from what's being shown here.

Bye Gwen, see you soon. These write ups (and comments) have been great.

I like Affleck too but this is PR to offset his disgusting penis adventures with the help.