
Thanks for the article Gwen.

They are good early warning systems and can make trespassing very undesirable. Because they are arseholes.

SO instead of sleeping last night I watched this show cos of this review. Thanks! It is great. I could do with less fat jokes but apart from that it was perfect. Thanks Molly.

It's like internet activism: it is always better to do it than say you are doing it.

Hey congratulations! (On the baby, not the aversion to stylish maulings)
EDIT: GRRR autocorrect

I wish I could upvote this more.

I enjoyed chatting last week too, see you next week.

And where did all the adverbs go? Where?

Say, how did yer get them there stars?

Hannibal, no question.
Mikkelsen for me.


I blame Sheldon. He is the worst.

I thought he has an overly sensitive empathy bone?

Sorry about your cat.

'in no way do I condone persecuting, discriminating against, or in any way harming or degrading them.

I think s1 is my favourite though I enjoy watching all of them (I watched s1 and 2 in a binge over a weekend, which I don't recommend) though most of the Italian episodes from this season were a slog.
I remember watching the first two episodes of s1 on TV here and being shocked how weird and far-out they were - I look

Those fucking cheekbones. Do they hurt they're so sharp.

How come?

It embarrasses me how much I regret their non coupling. I think it's because Dancy seems to exude sex tension with everyone. Much like Mikkelsen. Which is why, of course, they are murder husbands. (To descend into the slashficness of it all though, I wish they were more sex husbands.)

Thanks for this!