
Characters aren't alive - they act as their creators decree. If a creator feels that the murder of a female character is a shorthand, 'meaningful', 'exciting', etc. way for the male character to have more to do then that creator is a knob and has fridged their female character and deserves to be raked upon the coals

I've always wondered, as people here confirmed that she speaks Danish and he Swedish, whether the languages are that similar to be understood like that.
I did like her gulping down the wine while feigning interest in the wine snob so that her husband could see his wife's vagina. This show.

There does seem to be a deep connection. How many times are couples in complete sync with each other? In this respect, they are quite the enviable partnership.

No. No he isn't.
But everyone else is worse.

I don't think Vera (truth!) needs to kidnap anymore of Elliot's women (cringe). He has Eliiot's actions to use against him, and also the fact that hand to hand, Vera is unmatched due to his unpredictability and the obscurity of his wants. The Wellicks are going to exploit the CTO's wife's desires; Vera has none that

Hey where's this from? And thanks.

Maybe the pregnant supportive wife is the strategy? I don't know, but there is power in the image the Wellicks project, and appearances seem very important to Tyrell.

Elliot is now a known entity to Vera and Vera both surprised the fuck out (bye Shayla *sob) of Elliot and went dark at the same time.

Shayla is the only character I felt made Elliot more interesting. I like Angela but, she's not for E, and Darlene is not fully realised. This episode her one contribution was to use her sexuality to distract someone. I thought she was an ace hacker?

She did look down at his Ankle alarm.

Weren't you done episodes ago?

Up until he touched her and found out how cold she was and we saw the blood, I was waiting for the twist ending where she is really okay.
No twist for you, friend. No twist for anyone.

He has the prison break as leverage and the dead girlfriend left on site as leverage. The man makes his own leverage.

Awesome interpretation of the show.

Like the opposite of Snowcrash?

I'm even thinking that the baby is a strategic move - I mean those people don't seem to be overly nurturing.

I missed it. Fuck does that mean I have to watch it again?

I think if Shayla's death gets Elliot peeved then she was fridged, and I don't know Esmail well enough to say that that is not something he would do. But I hope and think not.
Elliot is going to be fucked up, not fuck shit up.

I always thought it was an urban joke from Archer. I should've known better. Everything in Archer is real.

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