
Mr. Robotullah surely?

In the pilot there was a moment when I thought Malak aped Michael C. Hall's vocal fry as a hat tip, considering how the speculation is that Mr Robot is an avatar similar to Dexter's father.

Thanks for dealing with the bigot.

Especially related to the fact that she did a good thing that turned out to be the bad thing earlier by returning the dropped wallet (which was super unobservant of her). She's not going to make the same mistake again. And her work has not been very supportive of her at all, what allegiance does she owe it? (was that

He created us, the audience, to talk to.

The guy could just be pan-sexual. Or Swedish.

This show is amazing. Finally Rami Malak has something to drive. And New York actually looks like the place I visited (multi-coloured). I, too, am excited to see how the vulnerable will intersect with the ruthless.

I can't wait! Also I think Mr Talbot Snr will be a doozy.

Done and done! Thanks Will.

Gawd, Tim Dalton was beautiful in that.
I'm going to go watch it now. Thanks for the reminder.

Is the magic join the one Yarnharlot showed on her blog? Cos I used it on this blanky and after trimming the ends some of the knots loosened to the point of unravelling. I don't know the braided join but it sounds good. I must add that I am very possibly doing these things sloppily! It's been known to happen. Don't

Congratulations! And points for extra difficulty in knitting in the round: is it a mitred corner thingymy?
I never have luck with my russian joins, they always unravel or poke out of the main fabric.

Unless. It is a purled garter stitch! BWahBwahBwah!

condemns Victor for being a male chauvinist oppressor of women
Malcolm is all this and an oppressor of Africans. Yes, the parallels are clear to see.

I saw both in the cinema (NT Live) and I was surprised to find JL Miller more effective in each role than Cucumbersnatch. I will forever be envious of those who saw it live.

You can't dehumanise a person and then tell them how immoral is their choice of dispatch for their dehumanisers. Immoral begets immoral.

I have a sinister feeling that much like a policeman in Hannibal, Inspector Rusk has sold Ethan for some filthy lucre.

Oh the loafers! I had forgotten.

I guess Vanessa controls the Verbos Diabolos; it doesn't control her.
(Verbis Diabolo?)

I wish more had been done with them, rather than just more Clare tormenting Victor (though he deserves it). I also liked how committed Lavinia was in her repulsion of Clare, considering she is disabled herself and in Victorian England unlikely to have the things women were meant to have: family etc.