
No, I agree with you - I think doing this professionally can (especially if you aren't into it) make the time pressures into a bigger handicap than that which they would be normally.
Sorry if this doesn;t make sense - I must go to bed.

Also with regards to Brona's powerlessness- I don't think it is a coincidence that Lily speaks English with a high class accent. She assumes any mask to empower herself.
There are some really interesting class wars going on, very quietly underneath everything else.

I think Logan really likes that pairing. So brace for more.

I think the reviewer looks at the show through the lens of …well a professional critic. He deconstructs it, which is fine. I do think there is more to it though.

I thought the Putneys were heavily handled by Logan. They existed just to reiterate the Creature's torment at the hands of humans (which we only saw in montage - a mistake I think) and give him a mark by which to redeem himself.
'See, he's not as bad as the working-class, grifting family who chuckles at the thought of

Nice interview with Logan.

Does porphyry stain?

I don't feel like there is any suggestion that this is something she's been bound to do. She just wanted more of it - power, control etc. Ethan's done heinous things. But he feels remorse and he has compassion. Hecate? Nah.

Well the second possession was in the timeline of S1.

Season 1 was split evenly between the two angels. The plot, searching for Mina was the Earthly angel's plan to get Vanessa, and the possession flashback and episode were Lucifer's plan. Each wants Vanessa because then he would be ascendent. They don't like to share.

Fair point.

Yes, and if the men hadn't been so damned chivalrous [EDIT:chivalric! embarrassing that I didn't notice for so long] (Ethan!!) Sembene would still be alive. The poor sod.

We NEED a production blog from her. It would just be therapy at this point.
'So, this lace sourced from the Hebrides and dyed especially for the show, develops the motif of the tulip. The dress was sewn by three artisans over six days, the embroidery in keeping with the Victorian age. Not that you saw much of that

Remember that these were Victor's memories. I doubt actual Lily knows about the necrophilic assaults.

No, they only dealt with factotum vampires. Dracula is still around. Ha. Ha. Ha.

Though wooden barricade kept him contained, which I didn't expect.

She didn't just get away, she sauntered away. Totally orchestrated coup. She's young after all. She doesn't need no fallen angel's youth serum.
Interesting whether Victor will confide in Lyle, and if Lyle is still being blackmailed by Hecate, whether she will task Frankenstein with giving her what Lily's got.


I think this was a more elegant finale to last season's; Logan is more concerned with 'and then what?' than actual denouement. I think I agree, however I would prefer a little more meat to certain relationships than a simple visual extravagance.
I am still confused about Clare, in that does the show believe him to be

I know right?