
But you could stop watching the personally disappointing show instead asking it to be different to what it is.

I was thinking of you watching the last episode when the dress shop was Pescucci's! She is bloody wonderful, and she excelled tonight.


I've watched this all in a sick-in-bed-binge, but he never seemed scared at the seance. Surprised, which gave him pleasure then he was intrigued; observing Vanessa. He is a sensualist and the experience was novel.

I don't think Dorian has ever been suspicious in his life. He reminds me slightly (thematically) of Hannibal from the NBC show. He's just curious how this will play out, and he won't spoil his interest by telling the truth. Of course Dorian is more languid than our favourite cannibal; he's a silk shirt, while

Thank goodness for you! I feel the reviewer doesn't really get that this show isn't about plot and story in the traditional sense. It's about machinations - variations on a theme.
Think of all the puppets tonight. And some like Lily, are out of control.

I remember I felt that way after s1 of Dexter, worrying what people thought of me.
Then it went mainstream and after s4 I started worrying about them.

He sliced my carotid on the rails of a sliding door, like it was a meat slicer. I don't even know how he did it
(dream logic) but then he was me, killing me; there was a tsunami of black, gleaming blood and I woke up and forced myself to think about puppies.

That'd be Vincenzo Natali's work. Masterful.

I'm a bit discombobulated to find out how lovely to look at Oliver Sava is.

But he ,Orlando himself, was a fan favourite for the way he championed and provoked the fandom via social media.

Whenever I am sad, and I remember how rich Adam Levine is, I get much, much sadder.

Hemsworth (who was the best thing in AoU next to Vision) Johansen and Ruffalo didn't fuck up.
Renner is the worst, and I even liked him pre this tour.

Could you explain it to me?

And here's my obligatory "I'd do him in a heartbeat."

Also the Spanish, though they were nice to me about it and I was probs speaking Klingon.
Sandwich lady said 'No, we'll speak in English please.'

I think that was the point of the episode - to flip the accepted wisdom that love or tenderness are what will bring you back to humanity when regret, grief and irrevocable nature of time are also part of humanity's burden.

Buddy, I want chicken feet NOW!

Rebel is like an earnest, teenager itself - if you see it that way I think it helps to love it, and pity it.

But Dean is more charismatic, and differs from Franco by being sincere, always. And earnest.
What grabs me each time is how wholly in his body he is. There is no sense of vanity - and part of his talent is his ability to perform for a camera, but there is never any sense that he does it vaingloriously.