
Ha ha

And beautiful too. The scene of Hudson's character"s sister on the bucking horse, shot in anamorphic (? I think, I have little knowledge of the technical side), on the horizon is one of only a few things that has ever left me breathless.

Nah, stay enthused. you are nice about it.

Chicken feet are yummy. Glutenous (how you ask. I don't KNOW), and cartilagey and deeply satisfying. But lots of little bones.

Watched East of Eden yesterday, Pat Boone chose well. Though he was destroyed by Dean. (Who wasn't?)

Oh man, I loved that movie. My spartan parents allowed me that movie (and The Sound of Music) as a child.

Him and Dirk Bogarde. Kings among men.

This is awesome, thanks!

I'm cynical, this may be a way to bring in a guy and cover their arses.

Or Fortitude itself? He is a very soulful sheriff, though also a rage monster. Also, perhaps he injured Pettigrew (the blood on the floorboards) during an attempted assault on Elena?
Have just realised that y'all know all the answers already! Sorry, am in Australia.

Babies. Breastfeeding. Actress.

Totally agree, though she is also a good writer so it is weird how bad she is.

Thanks fort that; I've seen some weirdly differing reviews. Always best to temper expectations, but TTSS was great.

Yeah that was sucky (I think we saw the same film?) but in the face of that much money, I'm not sure what I would have done either.

Hey, leave Daniel Bruhl alone!
He needs not suffer to raise up the worthy Ms Maslany.

Or just some women. Not Emily women, but normal, cool women.

For me, Starr has this sexy "I'm a surfer" walk which is very alluring.

He is totes the town bike!
In a good way.

He's a kid! Give 'im a chance. Also hubris is the WORST.

Okay, thanks!