
I'm at ep 8, and I don't think I can find the rest (illegally) online. It sucks as I am completely hooked. I will persevere.

Super late - I think one of the animating theses of the show is that you can't escape life's difficulties without creating more difficulties (see Emmett) and that death wishes are destructive in unpredictable ways.
One of the reasons Hood has been so successful is that he embraces his life, carves it out of nothing

Super late - But it's done to make Redbone/Proctor business, Hood business. Killing female characters shouldn't be done to give male characters motivation or depth. Dealing with the tension of Siobhan's attitude to being a cop (Hood will destroy the BPD), and Hood's complusion to be this 'good' man, this sheriff (I'm

Super late - but Banshee is neo-noir/pulp. It can't excuse the fridging of Siobhan by citing tradition. Such traditions should die.

This is really nicely written. Thanks.

There is also something wrong with me cos 'i liked it a lot too and I think I'm a closet Bamon!
But I did like how the show is obliquely (which is the only way they do these important things) talking about an abusive relationship. Never trust that guy when he says he's changed, because he now thinks you OWE him

' Is it some identical replica of the entire world sans everyone in it? How the fuck
would a coven of witches have enough power to create a dimension the
size of an entire planet without suffering any long-term ramifications? "

He dismisses it as ludicrous. See the lack of Chinese cast members in the sino-amalgam Firefly world (people thought Summer Glau was asian???!!! actual response).


Ha. The disappointments of university. Someone should write a book.

I haven't read The Goldfinch yet. I read The Secret… the one in college, and I found it pretty hollow, though she is a good writer.

Thanks, I'll probs borrow it though. I need to buy a new bookshelf if I;m going to buy more books.

I was travelling in Bolivia, and found this in a hostel. it was the first new book in English I'd seen in two months, so I read it! I actually think I stole it as well, and then swapped it later on for more books. Seriously books were like cigarettes must be in jail!

I think I still had residual feelings for Noomi Rapace's Lisbeth so I never really took to the Fincher version (though I LOVE Daniel Craig, seriously it's disturbing).

Also Inception which was a huge, personal gamble was one of the biggest hits of that year. This only compounds the hubris. How did Interstellar perform?

I love Joss, but I agree with you. All the praise does get to him. Also I dislike his attitude to the criticism of the racial makeup of his shows.

Easy A is good and Emma Stone is awesome, but Mean Girls is the superior film, and one of those which is more than the sum of its parts. Also Lindsey Lohan, what a fucking waste.

I felt with that book that I would have understood more of its emotional depth had I been Jewish myself. But I loved the immersion into another culture, and a speculative reality.

Oh my.
The worst thing I ever found in a second hand book was a sweet dedication of everlasting love dated to a month before I bought it.

Are you driving? Because I love reading in the car. But the campaign sounds swell - hope the weather is good for y'all.