
Truer words have never been spoken. Panera was always overpriced but it’s gotten ridiculous in recent years. You used to be able to get a You Pick Two combo and a drink for like $10-$11. Now it’s $16, and the cup of soup comes half-empty and the sandwiches are a lot skimpier.

Neutral: Not going to count chicken before the egg hatches and the like, but post-bankrupt GM does seem to be different than pre-bankrupt GM.

Not a great sign that the check engine light is already on.

Considering rest stop restaurants exist, it is clear that people aren’t that bothered with the concept considering those places have been around since before EV’s spread.

Counterpoint: fossil fuels are unacceptable.....

You could kill off Chrysler and nobody would notice.

If we’re killing off a car company, it should be a big one to make it worth it, so I arbitrarily choose Chevrolet. Now it’s the Big Two.

I think he’s referring to no growth as in “no more units” as opposed to market share. I doubt he’s given up on that and actually wants more sales. So they want to sell more subs, but not at more locations.

But his wealth’s not liquid! He can’t just give it to his employees.

Agreed, I bought one used last year and it’s a delightful little commuter but I’d never shell out $50k for a new one

This is obviously staged and extremely dangerous because that plane could have landed on somebody and killed them or started a wildfire.  He needs to be charged and his pilot’s license yanked for life.

Ah the ever onward slide into the full-on rentier, subscription, gig economy based on a fragile, decaying infrastructure and collapsing global environment.

If they were stealing food and blankets, I’d have a little sympathy.

This weird apologist take is just bad. These people are thieves, stealing things from OTHER people who legitimately bought something despite the poor economy. This isn’t a stick-it-to-bezos thing. This is impacting folks like you and me who work to pay their bills, then get their hard-earned shit stolen by someone who

Similar has been done with a retired Boeing 727 by a man named Bruce Campbell (not that Bruce Campbell) and the end result is the stuff of dreams.

You could, but unlike a car, the paperwork alone is a draconian exercise in bureaucracy. In the end you would have fancy new engines mounted to an outdated airframe. For the amount of money it would cost, you could instead buy a couple of new Gulfstreams

Cost, weight, power output, recharge speed, life expectancy, these are the details that also matter but have no mention.

I think the third piece of the puzzle is some high-profile civil suits in which physically abused airline staff, and their attorneys, teach the perpetrators that “garnishment” does not refer to the olive in their martini.

Smokey is a time capsule of a very specific time in American pop culture that romanticized van life, trucker culture, and youthful anti-authoritarianism all wrapped up in one movie.

I respectfully disagree on this one. Still love it. Definitely have to think of it as satire, but still stop and watch it when ever I see it’s on.