FYI you are on Jalopnik version 2020. This used to be a website dedicated to automotive culture. It is now political clickbait with cars.
FYI you are on Jalopnik version 2020. This used to be a website dedicated to automotive culture. It is now political clickbait with cars.
Yes, I’m sure Chevy’s traditional Corvette buyer will have no problem with them *eye roll*
I think it’s perfectly fine for EV’s to be “not for everyone” at the current juncture, but in my opinion 150-200 miles of range for people with at home charging solutions should be fine. That’s enough to pick up probably 75-90% of people who are using it to commute, and gets you a good 2-3 hours of highway driving for…
This slideshow format for comments is stupid.
I’m so sorry. I also hope you get your dad back one day.
This would be way funnier if it wasn’t so accurate.
Both are well past their “glory days,” that’s for sure.
Bruce Springsteen and Jeep are both overrated.
Hold on a’re talking about a few THOUSAND complete idiots as one “side” in our two-party system??? Trump got 74,200,000 votes. Also, keep in mind that everyone voted BEFORE the capitol riot. VERY FEW Republicans support what happened in D.C., Qanon, or any of that stupid shit.
Most places won’t install customer-supplied parts. Can’t say I blame them, either, as much as I’d be happy to not pay a shop’s markup on parts.
This is impressive. I’m not the world’s biggest Musk fan, but very few C-suite executives have anywhere that level of knowledge about their product. Credit where credit is due, good for him.
EVs do exactly one thing that ICE vehicles do not: Fill up their fuel in a garage.
Could you not have said the same thing about horses centuries ago?
All of what you said could be applied to smartphones circa 2011-2012.
I am rolling my eyes so hard I might give myself eye strain, so I’ll send you the optometrist bill.
The whole range anxiety thing is a perfect example of the gap between what people say and what they do. So many of us exclaim that we can’t possibly drive an EV because “Road trips”!!!!! In fact, the vast majority of us don’t drive more than 30 miles a day. Why can’t we base this in reality instead of some dream…
It’s not you...they are really hit or miss and most of their funnier bits they have to bring in either non-cast member celebs to pull it off or retired SNL staffers.
Which is all fine and good unless someone is trying to qualify for a mortgage and shows no income.
Still better than Blues Brothers 2000
Every slingshot I have ever seen was piloted by the douchebag you describe.