There are some major differences- the way Ciri is depicted springs immediately to mind- but Geralt is still Geralt. If anything, his sense of humor is even drier.
There are some major differences- the way Ciri is depicted springs immediately to mind- but Geralt is still Geralt. If anything, his sense of humor is even drier.
Same, except I actually played 2. It’s a much better game.
It’s a shit game. So shit, in fact, it retroactively ruins the rest of the series.
Not even close to the worst team in sports, or even professional sports, or even the NBA.
Some nice “alternative math” you got there.
He was always called Gaunter O’Dimm.
I did this so much in gravity rush 1. It’s really is a blast to just fly around without a care in the world.
We all know kids these days are growing at a much faster rate than they used to.
No, it’s absurd to say you can publish anything you want about a public figure. Imagine the headlines if that was true:
Apparently googling a company before you enter into a contract with them is too much trouble for gearbox.
I wish that was all there was to it. If you don’t kill the gold golem in darkroot and rescue dusk, the other golem in the duke’s archives won’t drop the broken pendant.
Or DS1's DLC, which made you kill a random enemy at the back of a long dead end several minutes away from a bonfire, go to the opposite end of the world map to kill another random enemy, and then go back to the spot where you killed the first enemy to finally access it. Yeah, that was fun.
Jesus dude, way to read this in the least charitable light possible. Nevermind the fact there are 8 other classes that can be women that AREN’T banned...
Wow, look at all these racists who think their boycott of this game means jack shit.
This excuse is so pathetic. “You can’t boycott Jontron because he thinks some races are inherently evil, or I’ll boycott you for your view that associating with racists is unacceptable!” You’re literally doing the exact same thing, only you do it to promote racism instead of fighting against it. Fuck off, scum.
So you don’t support boycotting someone because you disagree with their views, so you boycotted Yooka-Laylee because of their views. Well, now that that paper-thin justification is out of the way, you’re really saying that you find taking action against racist views more offensive than espousing racist views. It’s not…
Eh, they’re not really a great charity to begin with.
I was disappointed when he called wasabi & ginger “the bad one” as it’s the only “Do us a flavor” that I’ve enjoyed at all (though admittedly I haven’t tried them all). I did try biscuits and gravy, reuben, gyro and truffle flavors and they were all utter garbage not fit for dog food. I’m still sad that I can’t find…
Witcher 3 still takes up ridiculous amounts of space (~65GB with DLC) even if you have the disc.
And let’s not forget the Witcher 3 with its 65GB that it’s taking up on my hard drive. No way I’m ever deleting it though...