Pepsi Moondog

He’s not even a good rapper. He’s a good producer whose beats are good enough for people to ignore his awful lyrics.

There’s really no difference between WASPs and WASCs other than how well they work as an acronym.

The gaming press also thought FFXIII was a quality product. It was not. You really just can’t trust major publications to fairly review AAA games anymore.

They have mentioned that they will be adding multiplayer as DLC. Should’ve been available at launch but y’know... SE.

It’s pretty easy. 0-100 degrees is the range of tolerable temperatures. If the temperature is not in that range do not go outside under any circumstance.

You know that white bar at the top of your browser? Try typing another URL in there. We won’t stop you.

How do you even draw the lines? Red America cuts blue America into two largely coastal countries. I don’t think the west coast and the east coast would really want to be separate countries, but there are some pretty big logistical problems when you can’t get from one part of your country to another without flying over

How does digital homicide pay for all these lawsuits? Don’t they sell their games for a buck a pop and sell like... 1000 copies max?

For me the big deal-breaker in Dragon Quest games was not being able to see your characters in battle. I know it seems nitpicky, but it totally killed any interest I had in playing the series.

Or maybe what you consider easy isn’t really very easy for most people. See the Dunning-Kruger effect.

I know it’s really hard for some PC gamers to understand, but not everyone wants to build a PC, even if it does save money. Have you eaten at a restaurant recently? Why? You could’ve saved money by cooking yourself. Of course you have to grow the food yourself too, buying groceries is just wasting money like a console

As for the third one, they’re on another continent before they go whoring (with the Iron Islands being on the other side of Westeros). I think a pretty good chunk of time passed in their storyline that episode. The first two are pretty dumb though.

You really need to remedy that :)

I remember CDProjekt coming out and explaining why their trailers looked different to the finished game.

And when someone takes your order at a restaurant, they’re not cooking the food. You still need someone to take the orders. And you still need PR if you’re a dev.

But there’s a problem with that business model. What if you went into McDonalds to order some food and no one was at the register. You wait and wait and eventually someone pops out and says “Sorry, we’re all busy cooking right now, we don’t have time to take your order.” Just like a restaurant needs a cashier,

Between NMS and PokemonGO, hopefully devs are learning that being silent when your customers have valid complaints is utterly toxic to your brand.

I dunno, hearing “It gets good after 30 hours” triggers me with memories of Final Fantasy XIII which is neither worth $60 nor $6.

I’ll just briefly mention my friend the alchoholic. After more than 2 drinks, he absolutely cannot stop himself from having 12, after which he absolutely cannot stop himself from driving. So... 2 drink rule. And it’s a hard rule that he cannot make an exception for, unless he wants to go back to jail.

I can only assume this article was supposed to be an email sent to Johnny Manziel but got posted by mistake.