Police left after discovering that “burglary” is just what Gronkowski calls a cookout.
Police left after discovering that “burglary” is just what Gronkowski calls a cookout.
An appropriate homage to former Eagles coach Buddy Ryan’s 4'6" defense.
This is the awning of the age of hilarious.
And in our desperation we turned to a city we didn’t fully understand.
I drink his tears. But only because they’re perfectly pH balanced to my body’s chakra and infused with minerals and a lemon flavor.
Still not as bad as Dodge using MLK to try to sell trucks.
“...and I’d really like to thank my son.”
Ryan’s got an excuse, at least. There’s no time to learn about football when all you do is get laid.
I really like the way Kevin handled himself. He is a great person and a great leader. #RealMVP
This is a west coast vs east coast thing. Families from the west coast, like my wife’s, see a peck on the mouth as no big deal. Families from the east coast, like mine, prefer a nod of the head and then not speaking to each other except on major holidays, like Leap Year.
Don’t forget about Belichick planting one on his daughter.
The gif that keeps on giving in layers of creepiness.
I don’t know. I don’t think it’s that weird. I do it all the time. Sure, some people think it’s weird but not everyone is a dog person.
This isn’t a problem if you never look up from your phone.
I know a lot will disagree with me, but she should have passed them to him instead of trying to run them back.
Be... sure.... to... drink... your... Ovaltine!
Was that filmed with a toaster?
I haven’t been this excited to see a pixelated blue square leap over a red one since the first time I played the Atari 2600.
.ssecorp eht tsurT