By all means, these guys can date who they want to date. I don't think Jezebel or Jezzies are saying they should not BE ALLOWED to date whoever they want, and I'm not sure where you got that from.
By all means, these guys can date who they want to date. I don't think Jezebel or Jezzies are saying they should not BE ALLOWED to date whoever they want, and I'm not sure where you got that from.
About how women with small tits are a non-issue and can still find people who want to have sex with them regardless? That sounds fine.
Why is this not worthy of a Jezebel post? It's about how gender stereotypes don't actually matter to regular people. That's pretty Jezebel-worthy.
Moreover, it isn't unique these gamers. The argument against Affirmative Action is based upon it's phantom victims (the white kid at the bottom of the yes pile who gets bumped). #notallmen is a strawman based on the false belief that feminism is blaming all men for bad deeds (missing the whole point). The whole…
If I'm from New York, and some guy tells me that he thinks I sound French, I'm going to assume that he's a complete moron, who's never even seen a movie that had a French woman in it. I get that he's trying to compliment you, because French women are typically percieved as being sexy, but there might not be any…
Can you explain to me please why, when people make a fake "feminist" account they ALWAYS include the word "feminist" or "feminism". Have you not looked at this site and done a bit of research regarding how to blend in while trolling? You're the second account I've found in 12 hours trying to use yourself as fake bait…
From the Post article:
I know you're trolling but I want that shirt.
Ehhh, this is my school. I am so freaking angry about all of this nonsense because our school is filled with people who had no sex education and there are really only two sex shops in the city that anyone really even know about. People here NEED the education because we have an assault problem no one wants to talk…
I'm starting to think that the act of catcalling just turns them on. You know, like a power thing/exhibitionist thing, where they enjoy it even more if the woman is disturbed by it.
I just don't get why men are so up in arms to defend their "right" to cat call. I mean, has there ever been in instance in which a man has yelled "Hey baby, nice ass" to a woman he didn't know on the street and said woman has then walked over to him and replied "oh, my god! Thank you! I've been carrying this ass…
The Daily Show has 4 female writers right now, more than any other late night show. They also have several female producers and staffers with feministy leanings.
Thank you!
I give people Samantha Bee and Jason Jones a lot of credit, b/c as soon as that one joker said "Was I not born in America?" I would have been all, "Are you fucking kidding me?"
You know, I'd heard about this, and seeing that actual video clip surpassed all expectations.
Oh, and you think you were a geek for being in the book club? I spent my lunch periods grading papers for the English teachers in their office. For free, no extra credit or anything.
Here's the other book - The Facts Speak for Themselves. It's a girl telling her life story, which mostly involves raising her younger sibling while her mom is out getting high, and being sexually abused by the men her mother brings home.
my high school teachers were awesome. I was given ( though not actually assigned) two books about rape/sex abuse - "Speak" and one that I think was called "Let the facts speak for themselves". Huge trigger warning for both books, BTW.
I read that book. It's good. And that quote sure is the depressing truth of the matter.
When I was moonlighting as a bartender, a liver fluke came into the joint, slopped down in a corner booth and snapped his fingers to get a cocktail waitress.