"I can't help but to be reminded that since the dawn of time women and children, specifically women of color, have been victimized, and the power over their own bodies taken from them. These atrocities against women and children continue worldwide."
"I can't help but to be reminded that since the dawn of time women and children, specifically women of color, have been victimized, and the power over their own bodies taken from them. These atrocities against women and children continue worldwide."
Dude here. Many years ago, I was sent a text in reply to a voicemail I'd left for a girl I was seeing. It read something like, "Hi [my name], thanks for your call. I've had fun with you, but I really don't see a future."
Only ones who message me on Match.com are in their 50s or 60s.
Plus at this point, if a man is unattached after age 30 it's usually because he doesn't want to commit.
Hang in there. I promise you that my single guy friends (all in their 30s) are mainly interested in women their own age and I refuse to believe that we're somehow unique. You've just had a bad run of luck is all.
I would like to give a shout out to my dad for never writing cliched lists with incestuous undertones about me on the Huffington Post when I was a kid. It didn't take having a daughter to make him give a shit about women; he was a good dad because he was a guy who gave a shit about women already. If he was still alive…
I have no children. This is stuff I know just by being a person living in the world. What kind of fucking dolt was this guy before?
Lady Edith still wouldn't get laid at this thing.
Oh fuck off. A lot of people have gluten sensitivities, and even if someone does have Celiac, it's more likely that the server is going to understand "gluten allergy." You're busy, I'm busy and it doesn't help any of us if I'm required to explain my entire medical history to you justify why I'd prefer a gluten-free…
That's because, by formally opting out, they're tacitly permitting someone to help women afford contraception, and God is not down with that.
Yeah, yeah, there's a double standard. When it swings our way, we get more power, more freedom, and entirely better lives than women do. When it swings their way, they get to make 'sexist' jokes and draw cartoon dicks. I'm crying into my neckbeard about how unfair life is to me as a man.
Well, to view it consensually you would have to click on a descriptive link first. Given that's not how the comments works, I'd say that's a no.
Anybody who thinks it's hypocritical for us to hate rape and like sex isn't very good at thinking.
Being non-consensually assailed with violent, graphic imagery of rape porn is not even close to the same thing as voluntarily looking at porn that appeals to you.
Yes, we will do that on the same day that anyone gives a shit about what you think.
No one's slick as Gaston
I think the last 3 paragraphs of this article represents the most sensible rant against anti-child people (note: not childless people, but rather people who actively hate children) I've ever read. As a soon to be father, I've definitely found myself having a little more pity when I see a clearly flustered parent…
Denis Leary clearly doesn't know the history of beer then because fruit in beer predates hops in beer.