
"From this am I to gather that females would prefer that female characters be made less sexually attractive? Practicality in design is laudable. Making attractive characters less attractive for no discernible reason is less laudable."

I think making characters less attractive is laudable. Would Jonah Hex be a better

It seems awfully convenient that we're just now reinterpreting the results of this experiment to perfectly match our current social issue du jour.

people watched Eaten Alive? I remember reading about the show well before if aired, and thought it was one of the most idiotic TV ideas of the last 15 years.

There hasn't been an uproar because Harada was very aware of the sensitivity of creating such a character. He did research and consulted with the players. The result is a bit more toned down in comparison to the concept sketches shown last fall.

I find it peculiar that anybody could be a big Steve Rogers fan and not consider themselves a feminist, because it seems to me that everything he stands for is everything that feminism stands for.

These stories were the reason that I decided (drunkenly, when all good decisions are made) to get on OkCupid. I felt like I was missing out and wanted some stupid messages from men to mock and laugh at.

I've had many of these conversations over the past several months. And I've been trying to sharpen my perspective on this problem, the problem of the "how do I help," question. I offer these comments with compassion and great respect for your commitment to children and families:

Just help. Just do what your

Penguin, I feel exactly the opposite on both your points — if they were going to make a protest it could only be done without permission so the lack thereof doesn't bother me. But the fact that in doing so they, as you put it, "scratched out a few thousand year old sand drawings" is exactly what was wrong with the

I am shocked that there are people on this site that don't give a shit about the destruction of this artifact.

I really wish I could've asked Don Lemon how he would feel if a lady bit his penis. Angry? Violent? Pissed off?

Seriously. Like, maybe, MAYBE you won't sustain the same level of injury if you fight back and everything works out perfectly, but guess what? You still got attacked. On the Don Lemon thread I was saying, okay let's game it out: fine, bite the guy's penis, but if it got that far, you still got raped.

I know we're trying to make light of a really terrible situation, but goddamn do I hate people who offer "ways of stopping these things." Do they think even if someone thwarts the attack that they will not be traumatized at all? They'll just be fine?

Come to think of it, how do we know Obama wasn't the catcaller? Wake up America.

You know, I was *going* to say "geez, the dude stabbed him while he and his girlfriend were in a group of people? Like, multiple witnesses and potential defenders/retaliators? That's really intense. Maybe the stabber is a homeless person with a serious untreated mental illness, which would make this a double tragedy,

Lolz, can we please simultaneously laugh and bawl our eyes out at the comments from the linked article?

"And he's conflating a hatred with anything Obama stands for with a hatred for this particular stance, which is a rational and potentially bipartisan solution to a problem that affects everyone across the aisle"

Are you being polarizing? I think this might be the best season of AHS yet and I'm unsure what value NPH can bring outside of celebritized bullshit. And the addition of his husband? Lame.

This really kind of relates to the Guantanamo Baby story that was just posted and the idea of bodily autonomy ie no one has the right to touch you if you don't want to be touched. As a person on the autism spectrum, this is a very important thing to me since I'm really not much of a toucher naturally. Friends often

I think it's awesome to teach kids that physical touch requires desire and consent from both parties, and it's brilliant to start that at the earliest age at which a child doesn't have to be held to necessitate care.

I was sitting in Central Park once and a little girl came up to me and gave me a flower out of nowhere. I accepted it and said thank you, then she threw her arms around me and gave me this huge hug. It was adorable.