Pepe Thunder

Kinja is as volatile as my ex girlfriend. Sometimes I cant post, sometimes it double posts, sometimes i cant select part of my reply for editing u less i switch back and forth between tabs. Most times when i upload an image, the upload window disapears.

The messege even begins with "hello influencers". This is disgusting.

Back when Witcher 2 released it had some sore of compatibility error with Steam which made it necessary for even small 30mb patches to get to be 16GB. There where patches about every 3 days or so.

Battlefield Premium is NEVER a deal.

Battlefield Premium is NEVER a deal.

I paid money for every COD single player I have purchased, I CERTAINLY never paid for the MP.

Nothing wrong with that! BTW, don't forget to spit when you get a nice mouthful

His Xbox still has the sticker on. That tells me everything I need to know.

Dont forget:

When you answered that question with another question whose answer was presumably "yes" then i suppose you are answering yes


Thats why I do most of the time too. I also just love seeing my collection of cases and boxes. On PC thats already mostly gone since stores no longer bring that many PCc games. So if I want the convenience of not getting up from my couch to change a disc, I buy the PC version on a steam sale. I usually hold 2-3 copies

You're backwards

Are you saying Obama can save us?

Shit man, they did that to television! we KNOW they love that model! but no, impossible! right?....

"That wont happen, it's impossible!"

Sounds to me like it was just made possible. Even empires fall, how is it that people think modern things cant?

Thats what I've been saying for years. It is not that I hate change or technology, its that I hate people "selling" me stuff I wont own. I am guilty of buying digital like many others, but whenever possible I go for the physical media.


Even I cant defend how slow the beginning is. Still totally worth it.

You have only played 2.8 hours of The Witcher. NO MORE GAMES FOR YOU!

Santa Claus has a Steam account.