Pepe Thunder

I'm not defending anything, I'm pointing out the discrepancies.

Yeah this was inherited from the console loot system. Occasionally you get a legendary for a follower, it really did not bother me since followers are just extras and when you are powerful enough they don't matter that much.

What does this mean?

Damn it, I was just trying to figure out where to fit Titanfall with so much Metal Gear on my plate. Now this!

Its on PC, but when you play it you can tell its gonna be very similar to the console versions since they changed the menus to resemble them and the balancing of drops is very similar. most of the changes are on the stats of items and new game modes. Theres even a random dungeon generator now.

needs it.

Dammit! another march game!?

I got in the beta and I assure you, this is a big step up from the original Diablo 3 on PC AND Last gen consoles. Loot is waaaaay better.

Yes, that you are exactly the same thing your are criticizing. You just will not see that because you are exactly the same thing your are criticizing

I dont know luke, I think if you are selling me a product it should work by the time its purchasable. This shit is getting old and to say its extreme to take them to court is only justifying it as standard practice.

Exactly my point.

Have you tried it on a PC? If so, how are the load times through USB 3.o?

Maybe you should not be just as sensitive about his opinion yourself.

"Digital market on consoles, including pricing and storage options"

Are you kidding? Get over yourself? Its a freaking Kotaku article! Chill out already!

It was at 98% completion when I decided to play it. it said it was ready to play around 50% but still I waited till 98%. Still had to install once I started the campaign and it took a hell of a long time.

I decided to go against digital downloads this gen. It was not an easy decision since Xbox One makes it appealing to change between digital games. However, I think at this point the digital market on consoles is extremely archaic, including its pricing and the storage options the systems offer. This is a bigger issue

Shit! Im in trouble now!