They make great points and I agree with the design disconnect between controller and console. However, this is being said by the most unlikely people.
They make great points and I agree with the design disconnect between controller and console. However, this is being said by the most unlikely people.
Would running a game straight from an external HDD be a horrible experience?
Is an SSD even an improvement on a PS4? I remember there being reports of no performance boost on PS3.
You have a point about the "assholes" and I cannot speak for the trends in other videos since I dont really watch or know of any other that deal with these issues. That said, what what little I have seen of her and what other videos discrediting her have shown, I end up having to agree with (And the sad part about…
You are ignoring my point and assuming that everyone on the internet thinks like you. You cant expect people to NOT be assholes on youtube just because you are not one yourself. That's what I mean by thinking things through. And yes, one of the trends in her videos is attacking her and not the message, I know this,…
Wow i forgo about that one. That shit is sick!
Titanfall and Destiny are my 2 picks for this generation. Halo will still be fun though.
I was already corrected on this issue.
Thats the messege you would get it you didnt think thyings through. The fct is there are a lot of people who dislike their videos because of many other reasons like her lying about being a gamer and acting like an attention seeking, money grabber who likes being a victim in order to "prove" her point. Many people also…
You seem to have missed the point.
people should just un-angry themselves and stop being dicks.
Thats what she said... no really, she just used different wording.
because you are a noob
Oh thats a good catch. I swear the first few videos where the same shirt though
Yeah I dont want to bring the ire of feminists to my front door, but there is such a thing as taking advantage of people and I get those vibes from this lady. The numbers just dont add up
Turned ratings on for my new video as an experiment. 100 dislikes before anyone had the time to finish watching it: — Feminist Frequency (@femfreq) November 18, 2013
You already commented! WASTED OPPORTUNITY!
It's upsetting that she obviously filmed it all at once and now takes weeks between videos, or is it months?
lol We took a lot of care of giving him a routine for bed since we took him home. at first he was a firecracker. in about a month he got used to it and would fall asleep right after the routine. a few months later he started sleeping all night, we would wake him up to feed him. that lasted about 2 weeks and then we…