Pepe Thunder

There better be playable brown orcs.

A Tauren is based on a minotaur which is a classic beast. A FUCKING 11 FOOT TALL DEMON LIKE MINOTAUR IN FULL PLATE ARMOR!

Im gonna bet March 2014

Yeah, there where pandaren in Warcraft 3. but they where more of an inside joke that started with an april fools gag. making it into a full on expansion is like making Diablo 3: Cow Level and tie it into the lore. It IS retarded.

I don't mean to sound immature but that one always cracks me up!

I wonder if it will capture the moment you earn TV achievements with Kinect. You can forever treasure that clip of you watching TV.

LOL they made it a point to show how the kinect is covered when not in use. That was hilarious!

Edit: man Yusef's use of "magical" and Power of Kinect" are so fucking annoying...

And apparently this also applies to dicks.

I'm listening

What you actually want Jason Statham but dont realize it.

I don't mean to say you don't deserve to be upset about this, but you'd be surprised how many classic films have recycled footage form other films.

What is your opinion on what you have seen of the combat so far?

Yeah, fuck that shit!

Or a crappy system aka Xbox AMIRITE EVERYBODY!?

Those dinners must have been

It's probably done by now, but that Tweet came out last month I think.

Seriously people, let devs crunch! Valve never crunches and look how fat Gabe is!


Somewhere, Peter Molyneaux is green with envy.