Pepe Thunder

Why does the gaming world not want their game developers to have abs!?

the article does not mention elves at all. you really ARE racist!

Is your phone fusion powered? Damn!

I dont feel anything or see anything other than cliché when I see this. Are the people who are reacting strongly to this panel in depression? *this being the internet I feel the need to clarify. no, I am not doing the "troll"*

Well this is... lame.

Can someone explain to me this logic?

You mean for not wanting to compete with GTAV. I dont blame them, I'm sure its the smart move, but quality was likely doing just fine as it was.

GTAV is what happened. dont try to sell me bullshit, they are just making sure they dont have to compete with it.

I would understand if PC gamers had issue using inverted, but consoles had always been inverted as default up until PS2. What is wrong with you people not playing inverted? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?

When I played WoW i mostly only used about 7 abilities for combat and binded a few emergency abilities to 2 or 3 more keys. In the end, most abilities you click on with your mouse, most likely it would not be such a hassle. However, unlike GW2, looting on a game like WoW could be tricky, because you it would add more

I would disagree with you because we have not yet tested this BUT I remember playing HL2 on Xbox before playing it on M+K ... I actually quit the xbox version and thought HL2 was crap until I got HL2 on a chrismas bundle. I have finished that game so many times I cant even count, all because the M+K made such a huge

I'll be honest, I am mostly curious about it and for that I am excited to hold one and test it out. I really hope it feels good to me though, because lately I have been really hating sitting on my couch playing PC on my 360 controller and picking a game that requires clicking on a launcher (GTAIV, Saints Row 3 and

Thats where the touch screen in the middle comes in., you can have multiple abilities there, and GW2 doesn't have that many at once to begin with anyway

Your comment must be recommended by someone before it appears normally. Dont worry, its like that for everyone.

Carefree or the happy owner of a yet unreleased game system?

This is amazing.

My first TC game was the original Rainbow Six. I still have it installed on my PC. It was the first taste of stealth I had in my life. I especially remember the mission where you had to enter a house at night and bug a phone. That was pretty hardcore stealth, not this mamby pamby "action stealth".

But what about the POWAH! of the cloud!?

It is exactly like that. Couldn't have said it better myself.

Well whether they are male or female after the procedure is irrelevant, they are still people, so give them the support they need. Sometimes that support is as simple as not being a dick. I'm sure it was not easy for those people to take that decision, knowing all the complications and life changes, so why go fuck