Pepe Thunder

I have many friends who own PS3's including myself. This has happened to everyone of them. In fact, I dont know a single person who has not had this happen to them.

The triggers may be improved, but damn it, you will still accidentally FUS-ROH-DAH the guards in the face when you put it on your couch. Why the hell do they make them the rest point?

That is much better than mine, but you will have to resolve this dispute in a Slapathon with Kirk. The winner takes the Ass... assin's Creed IV Cover!

I love Kirk's "dissapointed at BestBuy" expression:

I will find out where you live and I will not rest until you are jailed for a good 8 years!

damn thats a lot of games not played, how long have you had that account?

Fixed more.

I was refering to Pulse2's comment. I dont trust him with my ass.

Your wallet is fucked. You have made a huge mistake.

You owe me a new ass because my old one just fell of from laughing. Also, try to keep your delicious blackness away from my ass if you happen to find it first.

utter bullshit.

You have these (note I am refering to pro DRM gamers in particular) console gamers saying DRM is the future, gaming on low end, non upgradable machines and you have PC gamers saying that no DRM is better, gaming on ever improving high end machines with new bussiness models and competing prices. Then they get angry at

These people got in their heads that if xbone got a similar type of DRM as Steam does, then all the benefits, prices, specials and erything else available on the PC market will suddenly be brought into their console where there is no competing prices. You could argue that Sony's PSN is direct competition to games on

If they want Steam so bad then why dont they get fucking Steam? And on that note, if they think this was to be like Steam... You know what, I'm not gonna get into this. It feels like when I used to work at a mall and had to argue with stubborn old ladies who claimed their microwave warranty was valid at our school

Its called "imaginary benefits" and "wishful thinking".

OMG I just realized this...

Im pretty sure The Witcher is real gaming. Suck it.

It was designed to be a cash cow albeit much smaller than what it became. George wanted to toy licenses for himself, he as ready to milk the shit out of the movie before he even started making it. Turns out it was the biggest hit ever, doesnt change the fact it was made to be milked.