because the blacks use it. thats seriously why. america sucks, relative to what it could be
because the blacks use it. thats seriously why. america sucks, relative to what it could be
That doesn’t actually sound like an explanation for socialism.
Lawful Evil Rouge Assassin
This is why municipalities need to protect workers. Corporations aren’t going to do it. The federal government isn’t going to do it.
You know what actually hurts?
why does it hurt? lil bron has had the easiest conference road through the playoffs for a decade. And now he’s playing a team that is without it’s assumed two best players. SO what is it again that we are sad about for poor Cleveland and lil bron?
In a related story, the NFL has just passed a rule saying that all of their players must agree to be tased for any reason or face fines.
I hope Jeter at least gave Slater a gift basket.
Kinda hard to re2pect this a22hole anymore.
Guns. Too many of them. Too easy access to them. Too many people keeping that access open.
How long before the Repugnicant base labels her a “crisis actor”?
I have three sons. My youngest is in 6th grade. About 6 months ago, we were in a lockdown in a mall during a false alarm linked to a reported shooting. Last night at dinner, unprompted, he started talking about how he didn’t respond to the lockdown the way he thought he would. My wife said she didn’t really think…
All NRA members should take out their guns right now and blow their own brains out in apology.
Im guessing it will be American traitor Ollie North.
Republicans need to pay for this. They sent out a ton of “thoughts and prayers” last shooting and nothing changed. That means either God isn’t real, or He doesn’t listen to Republicans. Which means they need to do something real instead of asking a magical sky man to solve their problems.
I can’t imagine what it means to be a student in today’s America. Just the idea that you’ll get struck at random by some white male with an assault rifle because your country is too fucking impotent to do anything.
Let’s consider Mary: who begins working at 25 years old, earns $60,000/year to start [and] gets a 2% raise every year.
“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”
“The shitters are getting bolder” is a phrase I never thought would pass through my mind, yet here we are.
There will be a small (in the scheme of things) period of time where there is still profitability in an automated market with no real worker cost and without the oncoming factor of consumers without funds. There will be people at the top more than willing to ride that train to the bottom, secure their money and…