
But they were so much better than the ‘Liers tonight!

the ’Tics played smarter

totalitarian governments, ruling command economies: kill 100 million people in 80 years

Abusive, criminal Democrats resign in shame when they are caught.

if only someone had ever spelled out your problem and provided an answer to it

yeah man I once saw a guy get stabbed to death with nothing more than the key to a 1981 Cutlass Brougham and a 9" Bowie knife

I’m sure the officiating crews from Game 3 on will give him all the meaningful help he needs. Teammates come and go but the refs will never let LeBron down.

This is just like when I recall how many pieces of bread everyone at the table has already had when I’m taking the last one for myself.

So... how about them Celtics, huh?

The networks should at least give the show runners and producers some kind of heads up, that they might be up for cancellation. The Mick and Last Man both ended with cliffhangers. I get that viewer numbers can drop and that it’s a business. But it’s feels like a bit of a ‘fuck you’ from the networks when you’re a

yes you are the only one now shut up

If you ignore the last 2 minutes of the last few episodes, it’s a super upbeat ending where Tandy grows up and they all settle down in the orange and avocado grove while raising their Goats.

Here maybe this lemonade will cheer you up.....

But WHY? The Mick might not have been for everyone, but damn that show made me laugh every time I watched it. Some episodes almost reached levels of brilliance in terms of structure/writing. The Last Man on Earth was stagnating a bit but it was still interesting and funny enough to keep me watching each week. I will

LMOE was really gearing up for a very interesting story line in their season finale, which just aired this past Sunday. I loved that show so much—despite its hiccups— and am majorly bummed at the prospect of not getting a genuine ending to the story.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh farts.

Wow, all three were shows I actually followed. That cuts a lot of Fox out of my viewing schedule.

Last Man On Earth deserved better than this, too. It was a very well-crafted comedy that did lots of really wonderful character building without making every episode a “bottle episode.” It’s a shame we’ll never find out what the deal was with all those bunker people.

Yes. We know how cheerleaders love their pyramids.