
Train full of feces wouldn’t be there if Alabama hadn’t specifically asked for it. Sending it somewhere that doesn’t give a flip about environmental concerns makes perfect sense.

‘Bama: deeply republican, anti-gov’t, anti-regulations and anti EPA.

Who the fuck cares? Why does it matter? Either the criticism is right, in which it’s fine, or it’s wrong, in which case you should say why it’s wrong. The criticism doesn’t become less legitimate just because she recently died.

It’s in worse taste to be a bigot. And the dead make poor fighters. Fuck Barbara Bush and the rest of her family.

It’s in poor taste to be racist.

Sara Hall called it this morning:

Not yet. Jeets is not done f—king them.

Governor Rick Snyder will probably find this so galling and appalling that he’ll promote John Engler and use the money the state saved on providing drinking water to residents of Flint in order to give Engler a nice raise. Maybe, oh I don’t know, $250,000?

1) Based on MSU tuition revenues, a 2.97% increase in tuition would cost current students an additional $29 million in fees for the systematic, criminal promotion and coverup of a serial child molester.

“Mr. Engler then looked directly at me... ‘well give me a number.’”

Every time I think MSU has hit rock bottom, some new bullshit comes out.

Michigan State, Baylor, and Penn State all deserve to have the “death penalty” given to their athletic departments.

I love (fucking hate) this trend of cops trying to drag people away from a podium for the crime of speaking.

They keep trying to update the game but with all the cameras just use freaking pitch tracker. Then you get 100% reliable strike zones. Have the ump back there just to supply balls and call safe or out.

There is no reason to have umpires calling balls and strikes aside from having someone managers can kick dirt at.

Why even have umpires call balls and strikes. The Meid Atlantic Toyota Dealers Strike zone or whatever can do it

I’m nowhere near 50, always had a few theories of what they could be for and found the article to confirm my thinking. I’m happy I ran across it.

So we get a bullshit Split Decision and now Canelo can’t even stay clean for the re-match? This is such bullshit and it’s a god damn shame that this joker has to be a stain on GGG’s otherwise spotless record.

Adalaide Byrd scored the fight for the cow.

Probably not even; but this is such a sad, shameful, damn thing. They should have gotten all the aid Texas and Florida (eventually) got. Horrid.