
She still has to fuck him.

I’ll have you know that Louise knows exactly what Stevie looks like.

Who gives a fuck how Trump treats *you* personally? The version of himself that he portrays to the rest of the country is a vile, racist dipshit. That’s what is actually important when it comes to politics, which you are both fucking involved in. This woman is so ridiculously deluded I actually find it impressive. She

I met him in Edmonton about a year after his young son died: he’d brought his family and a daughter’s friend to Calgary to visit his grandmother and then came up to the water park at West Edmonton Mall. It had been a goddamn tough year for him, his wife fighting her own cancer while his 3yo son was dying of brain

And I am sure that he is probably one of those people that chides people for getting technical aspects of firearms wrong, even though I am pretty sure that none of the adversaries he was facing were actually using AR-15s. Not saying that Kalashnikovs are any less dangerous, just that people that are exceedingly

The well of bad takes is apparently bottomless. Yep, a grown man who voluntarily enlisted in the armed services and was issued firearms(by the government) and highly trained to use them and was in that war zone as a private security contractor. So a job he chose no less.

He also blew apart the whole “AR-15s aren’t weapons of war, just normal rifles” talking point. that Kris Paronto character criticizing an unarmed student in non-combat situation for hiding during a mass shooting, and comparing him unfavorably to his actions as a soldier with a gun doing his job in a combat situation?

Hamilton Nolan is notoriously the most far-left writer on GMG. No billionaire corporate CEO can ever do enough to satisfy him, but your defense of Musk isn’t particularly convincing, either. Rather than plow his money into humanitarian efforts around the globe, he could either pay his own workers better or hire more

Yes, he is a good guy, in the context of the system we live under. The system where the state has given up so much of its power and responsibility to the private sector, that we depend on the largesse of multibillionaires to solve problems that we all have a stake in. Bill Gates is a great guy for giving so much and

He’s anti-union. Yes, that makes him an asshole.

I love baseball. I love watching just two random teams. But my local radio station carries the Yankees games from NY, and I...just...can’t. Listening to Waldman is like dragging a cheese grater over my face and Sterling is just such a homer that I want to club him to death.

Since other countries and jurisdictions have managed to define hate speech in a way which doesn’t prevent gay people from speaking, I think it’s worth doing, even if it’s “really hard”. The idea that it’s too hard for Americans to come up with a way to manage hate speech is the dumbest version of American

Richard Spencer doesn’t engage in protected speech, because hate speech by definition calls for immediately stripping rights away from other, protected classes, which means it meets the legal definition of obscene.

For what it’s worth, I’m sure if Paterno violated any kids victims would have come forth by now. Sure is easy to make that jab behind a keyboard but only because ESPN isn’t ready to give me my own primetime slot after SportsCenter, once that happens I’ll be happy to invite you as my first guest. Until then I’ll have

Yes, I’m sure the athletic department was completely in the dark about this and in no way involved. Carry on.

Paterno definitely got off on the knowledge and the power to suppress it, if not the actual acts.

Makes me wonder if Paterno was a pedo looking out for a fellow pedo, same way Strampfel was looking out for Nassar.

Whelp, turns out little brother was creepy, criminal little brother.

Death. Penalty.