
Fuck you with your “both sides” bullshit. Democrats have proposed regulation after regulation only for the Republicans (who have been in control the entire time) have voted it down or refused to bring it to a vote at all. You are either a massive idiot or are arguing in bad faith.

A family member of his long time agent was killed.

The argument “if we ban guns, people will just make them themselves” is not very strong.

Why is that fat Steelers fan wearing Bengals gear?

still a lot more work and a lot harder than buying a gun.

yes despite all evidence to the contrary that an all out ban would unequivocally reduce the US murder rate

Americans can’t be bothered to change their own oil. I’m not worried about crafty people who are interested in building their own guns. I’m worried about the impulsive idiot who decides one afternoon to kill 17 children, so he walks into a store and gets a military-style assault rifle 36 hours later.

Regardless of how ‘easy’ they are to make, I’m pretty sure that if the *only* way to get ahold of a gun was to make one yourself or buy one from somebody who made it themselves, then we’d see an incredible reduction in gun murders.

You don’t just get to summarise a quote that details all the patience and determination needed to do a particular thing as saying it’s “not hard” 🙄

People can pick locks, yet you still lock your door. These nutjobs aren’t using homemade assault rifles, they buy them in the store legally. that’s the problem.

That’s true, but the manufacture of gunpowder is pretty difficult for the average citizen. Some die hards would still do it, but your typical mass murderer wouldn’t have the skills or equipment.

There should be a loud, well-funded movement to repeal the second amendment. I’m sick of not even being able to pass half-measures. Go big or go home.

Authorities WERE alerted! he was fucking expelled.

You forgot one other piece of irony: All of those armed guards need to be willing to work for free because (a) most schools are already operating near their total budget and (b) people would probably vote against raising taxes for it.

I read other team centric sports blogs, because I am a masochist, and the popular idea there was that we need 20 armed guards at every school. Me, being the libtard cuck that I am, suggested that maaaaaybe creating a police state at school isn’t the greatest for the development, and that we might want to start banning

Not only a liar, but someone lying “for effect”

The NRA is a domestic terrorist organization.

Fuck off dirtbag.

When you woke up this morning, did you think of yourself as someone who would call the teenaged survivor of a mass shooting a liar on the internet, or are you surprised to learn that about yourself?

Step 1: Report mentally disturbed individual to Police