
Bullshit. Close enough as the difference does not matter at all. Listen to the audio from the Las Vegas attack and please define the difference.

Ban guns. Pretty simple. People with a hunting permit can have a rifle, provided they submit to background checks and mental health assessments. Considerably more lax than most developed countries gun policy.

So out of one side of your mouth you talk about what “can’t be done about this” and out of the other you talk about there “not being any solutions” but really you’re just an asshole who doesn’t care because you’ve never been shot and killed by a different asshole with a gun.

Are you serious? Most gun trade shows will sell you weapons on the spot, no back ground check. The Las Vegas shooter used legally purchased bump stocks to turn his semi-automatic weapons into virtually auto fire weapons.

Given the current state of our government, it would be easier to prevent school shootings by closing schools, rather than trying to do anything about the weapons involved.

I’d prefer the gov’t take 99% of guns and melt them down into statues memorializing mass shootings.

Take just about everyone’s guns away from them. Very few exceptions. Yes, it’s hard. But that’s what we need to do.

We have gun control.

Just a few not perfect ideas:

What gun controls would you like to see in place?

Honestly? Ban guns. Fuck it, man.

That’s hilarious. Wait, are you serious?

Gun control. Let’s try that.

Thoughts and prayers were reported near the scene at 3:20 PM today.

I’m concerned how this will affect my favorite show, “Gerry Callahan reads Herald stories about women or minorities out loud in a sarcastic tone of voice”

At least Massachusetts doesn’t spend every legislative session dreaming up new ways to make life more difficult for black people while diluting their representation and throwing up every conceivable barrier to their voting so they can’t elect anyone who will stop making their life more difficult.

So you were into it when you were living in the home market of a good team. Then you moved and the team got bad (really bad) and you stopped paying attention, and you’re framing it as some sort of existential question. Got it.

What is it about blogging that makes people use so many words to say that they don’t care (or are beginning not to care in this case) about something?

No way that Rand Paul could’ve gotten into Hollywood Upstairs Medical College

Now’s as good a time as any to note that Rand Paul spent years holding himself out as a board-certified doctor, even though was certified by the National Ophthalmology Board an off-and-on board which he created, and not the American Board of Ophthalmologists, whose certification hangs on the wall of damn near every