
If we as a society truly want to do better, then we’ve got to look past simply, “what’s in it for me.” I’m not attacking you personally, hell I should look in the mirror. But “He was good to me” cannot be the standard we hold leaders to any longer. That’s what got us the USAG looking the other way for decades at their

Her willingness to drop Title IX protections has basically told any college that wants to try and cover up the actions of their athletes/coaches “Go ahead. We won’t dig too hard.”

At least the multiple women who were raped by the players of that beacon of class Tom Izzo, will take some solace in the fact that at least the players weren’t being paid like Michigan’s were.

Look at the whole response to the Flint Water Crisis if you want to know all there is to know about Michigan as a state.

Well, time to put my money where my mouth is.

We’re getting there. Next step, don’t let the coaches, the big gyms, and all of the companies that profit off of gymnastics pick their replacements.

You deserve everything bad if you park in handicap spots and aren’t handicap

Destiny Teachnor-Hauk, an athletic department staff member, was told by a softball player she was being sexually abused by Nassar. She was told to drop it. Hauk only reported it to Nassar himself. She is still on staff as MSU’s gymnastics team trainer.

For real, he makes it sound like he and the rest of the MSU staff are just innocent victims in all this as well. Nassar didn’t act alone, his actions were intentionally ignored and possibly covered up (looking more likely) by MSU staff. This is an evil that was allowed to occur and was fostered by MSU itself.

Resigning to avoid criminal prosecution? Who does she think she is—a cop?

“Attacked by evil” implies it was the work of some outside sinister force.

“many people told me that I should not do this,”

Next step: Whatever Dean oversaw that medical center. Then the board of trustees, except for the one dude who got in front early. Then anyone in the counseling department who brushed even one of these women off. Then the head of the counseling department.

Then the asshole in that stupid Spartan costume. Just because.

believes “every decision I made was a good one at the time I made it,”

“many people told me that I should not do this,”

Does your mom make you pay rent at home?

You have to figure at least 50% of the people with blank violation fields are also related child abuse, just not to the point that it qualifies for 9.2 (a) iii.

It’s quite possible she wondering when you are going to actually say something like, “I found an apartment today!”

Counterpoint: My parents never asked me about my day. I promise you, that is far far worse.