
In short,...

In response, a South Korean player later snorted the sidelines.

Go to better restaurants.

And, in the case of soccer, potentially tens of millions of dollars if a bad call means a team doesn’t get promoted, or misses out on the World Cup.

Ideally both should be performed standing

But I have overwhelming respect and admiration for anyone who puts on a uniform and goes to war.

Because we do. Anyone who criticizes the military’s size, budget, tactics, waste, cultural effects, or personal/emotional ramifications on soldiers lives is crucified. Literally every election any candidate who doesn’t outright say theyre going to make the military bigger/better/more funded might as well not run.

Or it’s a matter of the very longstanding notion - stop me if you’ve heard this before - that the national anthem and the flag represent all we hold dear in this country that the military is sworn to protect.

It does seem like it’s time to admit though, that kneeling during the anthem angers a lot of people

The kneeling was started as a protest against the cheapness black life is held in, particularly when it comes to police officers. If you want to be against the protests because you think that’s not true, then I think that requires a certain amount of willful ignorance. I don’t think anyone can dispute that for

If you speak on a topic in a public setting you don’t bother to research you are deserving of all public scorn that comes your way.

It’s gotten to the point where if you’re a disingenuous racist, you’re perceived as some kind of disingenuous racist, and calling people exactly what they are is not helping at all.

Why do so many people in the US think they live in a military state?

Well, uneducated for sure, and bigot tends to have a close-correlating Venn diagram circle.

Except those people’s willful ignorance and tacit acceptance of systemic racism isn’t valid and okay, not everyone’s a winner, and you don’t get a cookie for simply having an opinion.

That’s—that’s not how the voice of God works...

If you are against the kneeling, you are an uneducated (perhaps willfully, on this topic) bigot.

Or it could be a matter of telling the lie so often in an attempt to make it the truth.

That went from “haha they’re carrying her out like Rudy” to “Oh shit that cop should lose his job” real quick!