
My business is successful because of my personal accomplishments.
My business failed because of your politics.

Is storming the field against the rules? Even if it is, that doesn’t entitle the player to commit assault. If I see someone walking along the side of the Interstate, where pedestrians are not allowed, I cannot get out of my car and throw him down on the asphalt and then say “Well, he wasn’t supposed to be there!”

He dropped his shoulders to make a hit, in full pads, and then extended his arms against a defenseless fan. I don’t know if that’s a felony but it’s an assault.


Is there some particular reason Deadspin covers the Sixers as much as the rest of the league combined. They are crap. They have been crap for years. They are going to continue to be crap until, maybe, they make it to mediocre.

The whole police report sounds like when I tried to make my high school papers sound more important with a thesaurus..

I’ll bet she beat fucking Dragon’s Lair.

Dude walked off the job in the most literal sense, and is worried about getting blackballed? Whoever assigns/hires the refs for high school football probably ranks “might not actually work” pretty among the reasons not to give someone a game I would think.

I found the Tesla employee!

this is what happens when commenters clearly don’t know their subject matter.

Because TMZ is some beacon of something that is wrong in this world.


TMZ is the worst. I’m firmly on Kathy Griffin’s side on this one.

So, in this version, the “inmates” are the league office? The administrative body charged with operating the NFL? The NFL itself is both “inmate” and “prison.”

Yup. That’s what we want. People putting principles before profits. Any principles. Doesn’t matter what the principles are. Liberalism is the idea that any and all principles are equally good and valid. Religious Intolerance, Racial Supremacy, Misogyny, the principle of Profits being more important than

My daily prayer:

Get a load of this snitch!

She only seems like the smart one because her brothers are both Ruprecht.she’s pretty.

Her father is an illiterate moron, her mother was stupid enough to marry said illiterate moron. The kids weren’t going to turn out any better. She only seems like the smart one because her brothers are both Ruprecht.

I don’t get tattoos. At all. They’re just ugly. To me it is the equivalent of cutting. This one? It says to me, ‘I hate myself.’

Oh boo hoo, they bought him a great team and he got nothing out of them. He sucked with the Cubs and continues to fail upward.