“if the money stops being more wrong than right, they go out of business.”
“if the money stops being more wrong than right, they go out of business.”
...which is why he’s a heavy underdog. Thanks for the support
What a condescending article from the website that incorrectly declared the loss an “upset” a couple hours ago.
Jokes on them. Floyd doesn’t know what the shirt says.
You guys have written no less than 10 articles about the fight since its conception, including multiple takes on each press conference this week.
I hope it’s a stroke.
Who’d a thunk that tax payers would rather see their money spent on useful things than for putting people into jail?
Someone who hits his opponents?
Mayweather’s fights are absolutely boring because of Mayweather. Watching a guy counter punch, then bob, weave, and backpedal for 3/4 of a round for 12 rounds isn’t exciting. He might be the best defensive boxer to have ever lived, but he’s not exciting to watch in the least bit. He’d better not slip up and let…
Fighting past your prime shouldn’t diminish your accomplishments. He embarrassed Bernard fucking Hopkins.
In what universe is a split decision over De La Hoya an “annihilation”... do you just assume the people reading this are boxing illiterate? Then Mayweather ducked the rematch by “retiring”...
This fight is going to be boring as hell, this was as simple as if it’s a boxing match, FM will win, if it’s an MMA match, CM would win; and it’s a boxing match so the outcome couldn’t be any more obvious.
Willie Pep, Ray Robinson, Jack Johnson, Henry Armstrong, Sugar Ray Leonard, hell, even among his contemporaries, Floyd is behind Roy Jones Jr, Pernell Whitaker and probably Bernard Hopkins. Floyd is a great fighter, a generational fighter even. But there is no credible boxing discussion that would consider him as…
Dafuq? Did you even watch that fight? I’ve heard people say that fight should have been a draw or claim a slim victory for either Floyd or Oscar (the Oscar people are wrong) but outside of someone with TMT in their bio I have never heard it described as an annihilation (mainly because it wasn’t).
Arguably the best insult hurled yesterday was this suit, considering Mayweather can’t read.
“Prior to Mayweather’s annihilation of America’s darling Oscar De La Hoya”
Not the greatest pure boxer ever.
I totally agree with you on: 1)Mayweather destroying McGregor, and 2) McGregor ‘winning’ the first round of pre-fight trash talk.
“Before the De La Hoya fight, HBO debuted 24/7, a three week look into the fighter’s lives before the actual fight. On the very first episode, Mayweather noted that no one wants to pay to watch two good guys fight, so fuck it, “I’ll be the bad guy.” Thus, the Money Mayweather persona was born.”
“Hello, Floyd, I am an idiot. Can I make my $90 directly payable to the IRS?”