
I call bullshit on this story. There’s no way Joe Buck has a friend.

Seriously. Also, If your friend has such bad anxiety that not knowing the name of some of the ingredients freaks them out enough that they want to leave, it’s a deeper and more personal problem than generic class divide.

Here, try this next time, Dave!

Nope, no gifts. Just another reason to celebrate a new baby. Usually, someone outside of the couple knows the gender of the baby first and throws the party. The parents find out the gender at the same time as their family and friends. I think people being excited about their babies and finding any reason to celebrate

To Todd (cause I sure as hell ain’t ungreying him)

Two guys with guns, so I’m betting family member involved in drugs. I won’t be surprised if I’m wrong and it’s a domestic, though.

Fox Sports Board: Our numbers aren’t great on our website, we need to get them up to get more ad revenue.

Finally! Somebody in business who understands why Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web in the first place. As Berners-Lee explained in his famous “Eyeballs Manifesto”, “The real purpose of the Web and, by the extension the Internet as a whole, is to get people to watch more television and stop wasting time

I know margins are tight

Whenever these issues come up, “spewing racist and anti-semitic opinions” always magically transforms into “voicing opinions the other side disagrees with.”

I think you’re missing the point that the reason he was threatened with doxing is because he has a history of posting racist and antisemitic stuff, as does the rest of that horrible forum.

For the record huge businesses stomp all over little people every day. It’s SOP. Most of those people are innocent of any real wrongdoing. They just bothered some big businesses lawyers in some way and got crushed.

In America, we use words like “grit” to describe players who are willing to get dirty and like “captain” for those who will do anything for their teammates.

The five minutes spent stroking this wanker’s ego could’ve been better spent doing something, anything, else.

This kind of chicanery takes considerably longer than their normal way of processing orders (regardless if “proper” establishments do it as a rule). If it was common, in the long run this kind of thing can eat into revenue because of the excess consumables (plastic tubs) and decrease in average orders/hour and would

Only cheap assholes looking for an excuse to not tip. Think about it. You have to walk in with then intention of doing this, which means you’re expecting bad service. So, either you’re intentionally going somewhere with bad service, or you’re going to make sure you get bad service so you don’t have to tip.

MLB “special” uniforms have gotten truly abysmal. The pink, baby blue, camo, now this? Every damn weekend is something new and awful.

Looked like a man tripped up my too many conflicting thoughts in a row.

The ‘Tics? Fuck you and your dog too