
Definitely a good dog.

Tell me where the question is in this quote:

People shit on Tebow because he’s a low-skill sanctimonious dick with shit for brains that the NFL marketed to us in some misguided anti-choice bullshit. There, now you know.

But you haven’t identified bipartisan attitudes to the issues you name, you’ve identified what are currently partisan attitudes to the issues you name, it just so happens that the collection of issues don’t add up to the platform of a political party at the moment. Republican congresspeople aren’t going to spurn the

“man, if I had a chin for every tired excuse I hear I would have about the same amount of chins”

“Racism exists because people let it exist!”

Or the lineup on MSNBC: former republican congressman Joe, Greta from Fox, that woman who worked for Dubya and is on air seemingly every hour. Perhaps Fox gave up the “fair and balanced” label so MSNBC could use it.

Yes, this is why Hillary Clinton lost. We get it. Forget about whether there is good evidence of that.

You want to try to dig up the most inflammatory comments from Rachel Maddow and I’ll grab some from Alex Jones and we can compare? Or would you prefer Stephen Colbert and Rush Limbaugh? Oh, and also:

It’s also false equivalency. If we stack up every nasty, violent thing a popular conservative pundit or a conservative politician has said about Obama, Clinton, and HRC, and “libtards” in general and compare that to a progressive politician or popular progressive pundit, the conservative stack would be orders of

It’s weird how we always hear about these calls for civility when a certain party is in power.

When being stupid online, double down.

Dude, you just completely don’t understand how any of this works.

It is the same. You have a group of Senators writing legislation behind closed doors without any input except the members of that group.

Except, you know, leaving Democrats out of the process entirely, which would also prevent those democrats from telling their colleagues what’s in the bill. So, totally the same, except it’s not at all.

Not really apples to apples...

That was a threat she made that didn’t come true. They didn’t do it. Again, stop listening to the right, particularly about Obamacare. They lie.

The bill was online for almost a fucking year before it went to vote. The Republicans added a ton of amendments to it (that they later voted down). Stop listening to right wing talking points: they just lie to you.

False equivalency alert. Pelosi was a moron to make a statement like that, but that bill was online and available to read for a year. I read the vast majority of it weeks before they even held a vote on it.

One might think that policies crafted in absolute secrecy behind closed doors that would negatively impact millions of Americans, many of whom are paradoxically the very supporters of the politicians that are doing this, are actually the product of what these politicians and their supporters label their opponents to